Apply for admission to the integration course
The integration course teaches
- German language skills and
- knowledge of the legal system, culture and history of Germany
Each integration course consists of a language course and an orientation course.
There are different types of integration courses:
- General integration course: this course consists of 600 lessons in the language course and 100 lessons in the orientation course.
- Special integration courses: These courses consist of 900 lessons in the language course and 100 lessons in the orientation course. They are available for
- women
- parents
- young adults who are no longer required to attend school (youth integration course)
- Immigrants with literacy needs (literacy course)
- People who have not learned the Latin alphabet (secondary literacy course)
- People with an increased need for language support (support courses)
- People with disabilities (e.g. deaf people, visually impaired people)
- Intensive courses: These courses are suitable if you find language learning easy and want to and are able to achieve your course goal particularly quickly. An intensive course consists of 400 lessons in the language course and 30 lessons in the orientation course.
Integration courses are available as full-time and part-time courses.
Before you can take part in an integration course, you will need a certificate of eligibility. This is your participation permit with which you register with an integration course provider.
If you want to take part in the integration course voluntarily, you must first apply to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). You will then receive a certificate of eligibility.
If you are entitled to take part in an integration course as a late repatriate or as a family member, you will receive the certificate of eligibility from the Federal Office of Administration (BVA).
Who should I contact?
Responsible authorities
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF)
Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
You can apply for participation in the integration course
- if you are legally and permanently resident in Germany and
- if you have no or insufficient knowledge of the German language (below level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)
Further requirements:
- You have one of the following residence permits:
- as a skilled worker
- as a researcher
- as a self-employed person or self-employed person
- for the purpose of family reunification
- as a person entitled to asylum (on humanitarian grounds), a person entitled to subsidiary protection, a recognized refugee or a recognized refugee
- as a long-term resident in another member state of the European Union
- as an immigrant residing for reasons of special political interest, e.g. Jewish immigrant, humanitarian admission program
- Your stay in Germany is permanent. This is the case if you
- have a residence permit for at least one year or
- have held a residence permit for more than 18 months, unless your stay is of a temporary nature.
If you do not fall into one of the above groups, you can apply to attend an integration course if you
- have a permanent and legal residence permit (for example as a citizen of the European Union or as a family member) and
- do not have sufficient German language skills.
In this case, admission is possible as long as course places are available.
If you have German citizenship, you can also apply to take part in an integration course if you
- do not have sufficient knowledge of the German language and
- are in particular need of integration.
You can already be admitted to an integration course during an ongoing asylum procedure if you
- have a residence permit and
- have not yet applied for asylum in another member state of the European Union or are not obliged to do so.
You can also be admitted to the course
- if you have a tolerated stay permit because:
- urgent humanitarian or personal reasons or
- significant public interests require your continued temporary presence in Germany.
- if you have a residence permit because
- your departure is impossible for legal or factual reasons and
- you are prevented from leaving the country through no fault of your own.
Note: Admission is not possible:
- if there is a recognizably low need for integration,
- if you already have sufficient knowledge of the German language,
- if you are subject to compulsory education,
- if you are a young adult or young adult starting a school education or continuing your school career in Germany.
Applications / forms
Forms available: Yes
Written form required: No
Informal application possible: No
Personal appearance necessary: No
Online services available: Yes
Which documents are required?
- Application for participation in the integration course (online or by post)
- Copy of passport or identity card
- Copy of the current residence permit
What are the fees?
- Own contribution per lesson (45 minutes) from 01.08.2022: EUR 2.29
- Total cost contribution for the general integration course EUR 1,603
- Total cost contribution for special courses, e.g. literacy course with 1,000 teaching units plus the option to repeat 300 teaching units: EUR 2,977 in total
Note: You can apply for a cost contribution exemption.
If you do not receive a cost exemption, you can apply to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) for a refund of 50 percent of your cost contribution. To do so, you must provide proof of successful participation in the integration course within 2 years of receiving your entitlement to participate: Passing the German Test for Immigrants (DTZ) and the "Living in Germany" test.
Process flow
You can apply for participation in the integration course online or by post at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF):
- Complete the online application for admission to the integration course.
- Use the upload function to attach the required documents.
- Log in to your user account and submit the application. To do this, you must identify yourself with
- the online function of your ID card,
- the online function of your electronic residence permit or
- your tax administration software certificate (ELSTER).
- The BAMF will check your application and contact you if there are any questions or missing documents.
- If you are authorized to take part in an integration course, you will receive written confirmation from the BAMF.
- Register with a course provider as soon as possible using the certificate of eligibility.
- Choose a course provider in your area. You can research this on the BAMF website, for example (BAMF-NAvI).
- You will be admitted to the course subject to availability.
By post:
- You can either fill out the form on the BAMF website or download it and then fill it out.
- Print out the form and sign it.
- Send the form together with copies of your required documents to the BAMF regional office responsible for you.
- You can find the regional office of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees responsible for you using your zip code via the BAMF-NAvI on the website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (under "Authorities").
- The BAMF will check your application and contact you if there are any questions or missing documents.
- If you are authorized to take part in an integration course, you will receive written confirmation from the BAMF.
- Register with a course provider as soon as possible using the certificate of eligibility.
- Choose a course provider in your area. You can research this on the BAMF website, for example (BAMF-NAvI).
- You will be admitted to the course subject to availability.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
You must submit the application before the start of the integration course.
What else should I know?
There are no indications or special features.
- Informationen zu Integrationskursen auf der Internetseite des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge
- Merkblatt zum Antrag auf Zulassung zu einem Integrationskurs auf der Internetseite des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge
- Merkblatt zum Integrationskurs für Asylbewerber, Geduldete und Ausländer mit Aufenthaltserlaubnis gemäß § 25 Abs. 5 AufenthG auf der Internetseite des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge
- Merkblatt zum Integrationskurs für Neuzuwanderer sowie teilnahmeverpflichtete Altzuwanderer
- Merkblatt zum Integrationskurs für Spätaussiedlerinnen und Spätaussiedler sowie ihre Familienangehörigen auf der Internetseite des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge
- Informationen zum Thema "Sichere Herkunftsstaaten" auf der Internetseite des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge
Legal basis
- § 44 Absatz 1 und 4 Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG)
- § 55 Absatz 1 Aufenthaltsgesetz (AsylG)
- § 60 a Absatz 2 Satz 3 Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG)
- § 25 Absatz 5 Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG)
- § 5 Absatz 1 der Verordnung über die Durchführung von Integrationskursen für Ausländer und Spätaussiedler (Integrationskursverordnung - IntV)
- § 11 Absatz 1 des Gesetzes über die allgemeine Freizügigkeit von Unionsbürgern (Freizügigkeitsgesetz/EU - FreizügG/EU)
- § 24 Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG)
- Objection
- Action before the administrative court