Resident certificate issuance
If you want to acquire a plot of land, you can get greater financial planning security with a resident certificate.
The following levies or contributions may be considered:
- Development contributions (§§ 124 et seq. of the Building Code (BauGB)), road development contributions (§ 6 of the Lower Saxony Municipal Tax Act (NKAG))
- Reimbursement of costs under nature conservation law (§ 135 a BauGB)
- Allocation compensation payments (§ 64 BauGB)
- Compensatory contributions (§§ 154 f BauGB) in urban redevelopment areas
- Compensation amounts under soil protection law for land that has been cleared of contaminated sites (§ 25 Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG))
- Transfer fees for parking space obligations (§ 47 a Lower Saxony Building Code (NBauO))
- Contributions on the basis of services provided by the water or wastewater associations
- Sealing duties
- Forest conservation levies
The resident certificate is issued by the competent authority.
Who should I contact?
The responsibility lies with the municipality, the joint municipality and the city.
Which documents are required?
- informal application with the address of the client and the address of the property to be built on
- Proof of ownership of the property (copy of the land register)
- Preliminary building request (copy, if available)
- Excerpt from the field map (copy)
What are the fees?
Fees apply, please contact the competent authority.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Deadlines may have to be observed. Please contact the competent authority.