Apply for a subsidy for measures to improve the living environment in long-term care insurance
If you are in need of care, your long-term care insurance fund will pay a subsidy under certain conditions for renovation measures that make your home suitable for long-term care. These include, for example, the installation of a stair lift, widened doors and thresholds instead of steps. The measures are intended to enable you to live independently in your own home or to make everyday care easier or to restore independent living.
Upon application, your long-term care insurance fund will pay a subsidy of up to EUR 4,000 for such adaptations and conversions. The subsidy is limited to the actual costs of the conversion measure. If the conversion costs more than EUR 4,000, you pay the excess amount yourself.
If you live together with other people in need of care, for example in a shared care apartment, you can use the subsidy to improve the shared living environment. In total, a residential community or residential group can receive a subsidy of up to EUR 16,000.
The conversion measures that nursing care insurance funds subsidize include, for example:
- Adapting the living environment to your needs: Window handles at wheelchair accessible height, stair lift, elevator.
- Adaptations to the building structure: widened doors, floor-level shower, fixed ramps
- Technical aids: height-adapted kitchen appliances, lowerable wall cabinets
- Improvements to the living environment: moving into a handicapped-accessible apartment, moving from the upper floor to the first floor
In principle, you can receive the grant once for a construction measure. A renewed subsidy is possible if your care situation changes in such a way that further measures become necessary.
In retirement and nursing homes as well as residential facilities that are rented out commercially by the landlord only to people in need of care, however, the requirements are not met. You will not receive a subsidy here.
Who should I contact?
Responsible authorities
- You are insured for nursing care
- You have a care degree
- the conversion measure
- enables you to provide care at home
- makes home care easier for you and your caregiver, or
- enables you to lead as independent a life as possible again
- the conversion measure does not exceed what is necessary
Applications / forms
Forms: yes
Online procedure possible: Many long-term care insurance companies offer an online procedure.
Written form required: yes
Personal appearance required: no
Which documents are required?
- Cost estimate of the craftsman's company that is to carry out the conversion.
Depending on the individual case, further documents may be required. Please contact your care insurance company for more information.
What are the fees?
You do not have to pay anything for the application.
If necessary, fees will be charged by surveyors or experts for preparing an expert opinion on possible structural measures, for example with regard to statics, or for cost estimates.
If the conversion costs exceed EUR 4,000, you must pay the amount in excess of this.
Process flow
To receive a subsidy for measures to improve the living environment, you must submit an application to your responsible care insurance fund. This is affiliated with your statutory health insurance fund, you can use the same contact details.
- It is helpful if you take advantage of a care consultation before applying. They will also help you with the application process.
- Ask your long-term care insurance fund about the exact procedure and whether there is an application form.
- You can apply for a subsidy for measures to improve the living environment by mail, for example, or - in the case of many long-term care insurance funds - by handing it in personally at the office or submitting it online.
- The long-term care insurance fund reviews the application. It may only cover costs that are necessary and economical.
- Wait for the decision of the nursing care insurance fund before you start with the adaptation or conversion measure. You must clarify any questions relating to tenancy law on your own responsibility and, if necessary, obtain the landlord's consent.
- Once the measure has been completed and the costs incurred can be documented, for example by a tradesman's invoice, the care insurance fund will transfer the subsidy to you.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Please submit the application for a subsidy for measures to improve the living environment to your long-term care insurance fund before the start of the conversion measure.
If the long-term care insurance fund is unable to make a decision on the application within 3 weeks, or within 5 weeks if the medical service is involved, it must inform the applicant of this in good time and explain the reasons. If there is no notification of a sufficient reason, the service is considered approved after the deadline has expired.
Processing duration
Processing usually takes about 2 to 8 working days.
For a quick processing and decision, your long-term care insurance fund must be provided with the necessary information as well as any required documents in a complete and meaningful manner.
The care insurance fund decides on applications promptly.
Please note that the processing time indicated is an average value for all care insurance funds. It may vary in individual cases.
The exact processing time also depends on the complexity of the individual case and may be longer accordingly. The same applies if documents or records are sent to you or your care insurance fund by mail.
If necessary, the medical service must be involved. This will take up to an additional 5 weeks to process your request.
What else should I know?
Evaluation is the responsibility of the service providers.
- Objection
- Action before the social court