Apply for a partial permit for the construction and operation of a plant
Parts of installations may, due to their nature or operation, cause harmful environmental effects or otherwise endanger, significantly disadvantage or annoy the general public or the neighborhood.
If you want to erect or operate a plant, you need a partial permit from the competent authority. A partial permit can be applied for and issued if the full permit for an applied-for facility has not yet been issued, but the following conditions are met:
- There is a legitimate interest in issuing a partial permit,
- the licensing requirements for the subject of the partial permit applied for are met, and
- a preliminary assessment shows that there are no a priori insurmountable obstacles to the construction and operation of the entire facility with regard to the permit requirements.
Who should I contact?
Responsible authorities
Staatliches Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Osnabrück
- The sub-project meets the requirements of the Federal Immission Control Act.
- The subproject is not precluded by any other regulations under public law or occupational health and safety issues.
- A preliminary assessment has shown that there are no a priori insurmountable obstacles to the construction and operation of the entire plant with regard to the permit.
- The preliminary overall assessment is no longer binding if the factual or legal situation or individual inspections change in the course of subsequent partial approvals, thereby also changing the assessment. In this case, the authority may refuse the approval or further partial approvals.
Which documents are required?
- Drawings, plans, expert opinions
- Explanations
For further required documents, please contact the responsible office.
- Application
What are the fees?
The fees depend on the construction costs.
Process flow
If you wish to apply for a permit from the competent authority, you must first submit the application documents in full, which you can do in writing or electronically.
The competent authority will confirm receipt of the application in writing or electronically, check it for completeness and involve the relevant authorities.
If necessary, the authority will request further documents.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
You must apply for the permit before you start the project.
Processing duration
Processing Time: 7 Months
Processing Time: 3 Monthsfor the simplified procedure
Legal basis
- § 8 Gesetz zum Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelteinwirkungen durch Luftverunreinigungen, Geräusche, Erschütterungen und ähnliche Vorgänge (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz – BImSchG)
- § 10 Gesetz zum Schutz vor schädlichen Umwelteinwirkungen durch Luftverunreinigungen, Geräusche, Erschütterungen und ähnliche Vorgänge (Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz – BImSchG)
- § 19 Act on Protection against Harmful Environmental Effects by Air Pollution, Noise, Vibrations and Similar Processes (BImSchG)
- Appeal. For more information on how to file an appeal, see the notice.
- Complaint