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IMPORTANT: Select a location.To obtain application forms, location-specific information and contacts, select a town or zip code.

For an area outside of Lower Saxony and foreign languages, some menu items and functions are not available. Please go to the service page of the respective country.

Please specify an area.

Your selected location: Salzbergen (484...)

Which place to enter?

The location is used to determine the responsible office for the selected administrative service. In most cases you can enter your place of residence to find the competent authority. However, there are also cases in which a different location must be specified. Here are some examples:

Birth certificateYou want to get married and need a birth certificate. You live in Hanover, but you were born in Celle. You must therefore state your place of birth, i.e. Celle.

Business registrationYou would like to register a business in Braunschweig. Your place of residence is Hanover. You must therefore state the location of your future business, i.e. Braunschweig.

Apply for a building permitYou would like to build a house in Wunstorf and therefore apply for a building permit. Her place of residence is currently Hanover. You must indicate the place where the house is to be built. In this case it is Wunstorf.

Apply for a rental bus permit

If you want to carry out the domestic transport of more than nine people with motor vehicles outside the regular service (occasional traffic), you need a permit for this. This is granted for the intended type of transport (rental bus service, excursion trips or holiday destinations).

Who should I contact?

Responsible authorities

Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Straßenverkehr
Address: Ordeniederung 1 , 49716 Meppen
Postal address: Post Office Box 15 62 , 49705 Meppen
Telephone: 05931 44-0
Transport Connection:
Station Haltestelle Kreishaus
Bus: 993
Building Access
elevator available, wheelchair-accessible


Margret Varel
Telephone: 05931 44-4044
K II, 44
responsible for:


Applicants must:

  1. personally reliable;
  2. financially capable, and
  3. be professionally suitable.

Applications / forms

  • Antrag Erteilung einer Genehmigung eines Gelegenheitsverkehrs nach dem PBefG


Which documents are required?

Formal application:

name as well as place of residence and place of business, in the case of natural persons, date of birth and place of birth; the beginning and end of the period of validity applied for; information on the number, type and capacity (number of seats) of the vehicles used;

Supplementary application documents and proof of compliance with the approval requirements in accordance with § 13 PBefG:

Certificate of good conduct, excerpt from the Central Trade Register; Clearance certificates issued by the social security institutions, the employers' liability insurance association, the tax office and the municipality with regard to proper tax payment; Proof of financial capacity as well as the Chamber of Industry and Commerce certificate of competence

What are the fees?

The fee is calculated on the basis of the Ordinance on Costs for Official Acts in the Paid or Business Passenger Transport of Motor Vehicles (PBefGKostV).

Basis of the fee calculation:

  • Number of vehicles
  • the duration of the authorisation

Process flow

submission of the application with the submission of the application form and the supplementary required application documents;

application review;

Initiation of the consultation procedure with the participation of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, LRÄ, in particular the lower traffic authorities, the trade associations, the Office for Occupational Safety and Health, etc

Granting of the permit by means of a decision, after the entry into force of law the approval documents are handed over.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

A decision on the application must be made within 3 months. This period may be extended by a further 3 months.

Processing duration

The processing time is usually four to six weeks.

Legal basis

Section 49 of the Passenger Transport Act (PBefG)

§ 2 Passenger Transport Act (PBefG)

Ordinance on the Operation of Motor Carriers (BoKraft)

Ordinance on Access to the Profession of Road Passenger Transport Operator (PBZugV)

Vehicle Registration Ordinance (FZV)

Source: Serviceportal Niedersachsen (Portalverbund des Bundes und der Länder)