Housing Promotion of rental housing for the elderly and people with disabilities
As the sponsor of a new building, expansion or conversion of apartments, residential groups or shared flats for senior citizens, people with disabilities and people in need of help and care, you can receive state funding as part of social housing subsidies. Construction projects for "assisted living" have priority. Measures for energy-efficient modernisation are also funded.
Who should I contact?
The responsibility lies with the district and the independent city in whose area you are planning the construction project.
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Besondere Leistungen
- Dörpen:
- Emsbüren:
- Emsland:
- Freren:
- Geeste:
- Haren (Ems):
- Haselünne:
- Herzlake:
- Lathen:
- Lengerich:
- Nordhümmling:
- Rhede (Ems):
- Salzbergen:
- Spelle:
- Sögel:
- Twist:
- Werlte:
- For 30 to 35 years, the subsidised housing may only be rented to elderly people (aged 60 and over), people with disabilities (with a degree of disability of at least 50%) or persons in need of assistance and care (care allowance level 1 and higher) whose income does not exceed certain income limits.
- The size of the apartment must be appropriate to the size of the tenant's household.
- Minimum personal contribution: should be 25% of the total costs, but at least 15% (only in exceptional cases).
- In the energetic modernization of rental housing, which was completed by 01.01.1995.
Who can receive funding?
Natural and legal persons under public and private law as well as partnerships.
What can be funded:
- New building
- Expansion/conversion or extension
- Energy-efficient modernization
There is no legal entitlement to funding.
Which documents are required?
Documents may be required. Please contact the competent authority.
What are the fees?
NBank charges a processing fee of 1% of the total amount granted.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Construction work must not have begun before a funding commitment was granted.
What else should I know?
In addition, the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) offers low-interest loans for the age-appropriate conversion of housing as a further funding option. With various building blocks, older people in particular can be enabled to use the property in a largely barrier-free, or at least barrier-reduced, way within their traditional home and their familiar social environment.