Apply for an integration grant from the job center
An integration subsidy can be paid if the employee you wish to hire is not yet able to perform the full workload at the start of employment. For example, because the person does not yet have the necessary professional experience and knowledge required for the job and the induction period therefore takes longer than usual. However, a normal induction period cannot be funded.
The amount and duration of support depend on the individual case. Standard funding is limited to a maximum of 12 months and 50 percent of the salary. Longer or higher funding is possible for certain groups of people (e.g. older or disabled people).
The integration subsidy is paid monthly in arrears as a subsidy towards wage costs. This is generally based on the wages you actually pay. Your share of the total social insurance contribution is taken into account as a lump sum.
The integration subsidy is only paid if it is necessary for the professional integration of the person. You do not have a legal entitlement to a subsidy.
Funding is excluded if you terminate an existing employment relationship in order to receive an integration grant. Funding is also not possible if you wish to employ someone who has been employed by you for more than 3 months in the last 4 years and was subject to compulsory insurance.
Who should I contact?
Employment Agency / Job Centre, Employer Service
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Arbeit
- Dörpen:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Emsbüren:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Emsland:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Freren:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Geeste:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Haren (Ems):
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Haselünne:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Herzlake:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Lathen:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Lengerich:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Meppen:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Nordhümmling:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Papenburg:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Rhede (Ems):
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Salzbergen:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Spelle:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Sögel:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Twist:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Werlte:
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for professional development at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who want to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- You want to employ a person who is difficult to place in the labor market.
- The employee is initially expected to perform less well than usual.
- The financial compensation provided by the integration subsidy is necessary in order to permanently integrate the employee into the labor market.
Applications / forms
Forms available: Yes
Written form required: No
Informal application possible: Yes
Personal appearance necessary: No
Online services available: Yes
Which documents are required?
- Completed questionnaire to check the eligibility requirements
- Application form
- employment contract
Process flow
You can apply for the integration grant online or by post.
If you would like to submit the application by post:
- Get in touch with your personal contact at the employer service of the employment agency or job center. They will provide you with the forms to fill in and instructions on the application procedure.
- If you do not yet have a personal contact, please call the toll-free employer hotline on 0800 4555520.
- Complete the application in full and submit it to the Jobcenter.
- Submit all the required documents online or subsequently by post.
- You will then receive a notification from the Jobcenter by post.
If you would like to submit the application online:
- Register with the employment agency as a company.
- Go to the Federal Employment Agency's "eServices" online portal and follow the instructions.
- You can complete the application directly online.
- The remaining steps are the same as the written application procedure.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There is no deadline. You must apply for the integration grant before you conclude the employment contract with your new employee.
- Informationen zum Eingliederungszuschuss auf der Internetseite der Agentur für Arbeit
- Flyer zum Eingliederungszuschuss auf der Internetseite der Bundesagentur für Arbeit
- Informationen zur Förderung der Arbeitsaufnahme auf der Internetseite der Bundesagentur für Arbeit
- Fachliche Weisungen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zum Eingliederungszuschuss