Pregnancy check-up
The statutory prenatal care includes a detailed consultation in which your doctor will ask you about personal and family illnesses, your current condition and your life situation. During the physical examination, your weight and blood pressure will be measured and a blood and urine sample will be taken.
Following the initial examination, the doctor will issue the maternity passport. All the data that are important for pregnancy and birth are noted in this passport.
After the initial examination, further checks are carried out at four-week intervals. In the last two months of pregnancy, the interval is reduced to about two weeks. The doctor will check your baby's heartbeat and your weight at each appointment. They will also monitor the haemoglobin content of your blood. During the course of pregnancy, tests for hepatitis B infection (HBs antigen) and screening for gestational diabetes (glucose tolerance test) will also follow.
Other services include ultrasound examinations in the first, second and third trimesters and screening for gestational diabetes.
Which documents are required?
- Electronic health card,
- Maternity passport (issued at the initial examination)
What are the fees?
None. Services that go beyond sufficient, appropriate and economic care are not paid for by the health insurance fund.
Fee: free of charge
You can appeal against the decision of the health insurance fund. If the appeal is not upheld, you can file a lawsuit with the competent social court.
Contact point
Responsible authorities