Carrying out school dental check-ups
In order to detect dental damage and malocclusions in children at an early stage, the statutory health insurance funds offer group dental prophylaxis for children and adolescents. The aim is to
- to make children aware of and responsible for the health of their teeth
- to improve oral hygiene
- to recognize and prevent dental diseases
- to inform parents and advise them on request.
Dental group prophylaxis is carried out in crèches, kindergartens, schools and institutions for people with disabilities.
Group prophylaxis specialists, as well as dentists from the public health service or godfather dentists are employed for this purpose.
This is a population medical measure. It cannot be claimed as an individual service.
Legal basis
What are the fees?
None for children, youth or their families.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Contact point
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Gesundheit