Alternative service
Attention: The content of this service is no longer up-to-date. An update is currently being carried out by the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
In civilian service, recognized conscientious objectors perform tasks that serve the common good primarily in the social field.
Civilian service usually includes activities such as hospitals, old people's homes and care for the disabled. It lasts nine months.
You can also do a Voluntary Social Year/Voluntary Ecological Year at home or abroad, another service abroad, a service as a volunteer in civil protection or disaster control or as a development worker. Further information can be obtained from the Federal Office for Civilian Service.
In the course of 2011, the Conscription Act will be amended. This will lead to considerable changes with regard to conscription, basic military service but also civilian service. General compulsory military service will be suspended as of 1 July 2011. Further details cannot be given at the moment (as of January 2011). Information on the changes to the law can therefore be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Defence.
Who should I contact?
Responsibility lies with the Federal Office for Family and Civil Society Tasks (BAFzA).
Responsible authorities
Bundesamt für den Zivildienst (BAZ)
Which documents are required?
The notice of recognition and the mustering notice must be submitted to the civilian service offices.
What are the fees?
There are no fees.
Process flow
After recognition as a conscientious objector, the person performing civilian service must look for a civilian service position and arrange for a proposal for conscription to be sent from there. After receiving an application permit, you only have 2 months left to look for a job yourself. After that, the convocation takes place nationwide.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Deadlines may have to be observed.