Apply for help with upbringing in full-time care
Full-time foster care means that your child lives with and is cared for by another family. Which foster family your child lives with and for how long, for example, depends on this:
- Age of the child
- Your child's stage of development
- Your child's attachments
- Possibilities for improving the upbringing conditions in your home
- The foster parents are selected by the Youth Welfare Office together with you.
- Only suitable people can become foster parents and take your child into their care.
- Relatives (e.g. grandparents) can also be foster parents.
Full-time foster care can be temporary or permanent. It is a type of educational assistance. It can also apply to young adults.
Who should I contact?
the local youth welfare office
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Jugend
- Emsland:
- Applying for aftercare after the end of full-time care for foster children
- Get support in enforcing the permanent placement of a child with foster carers
- Apply for help with upbringing in full-time care
- Apply for monthly benefits for the maintenance of foster children
- Consent of the father to the adoption of a child
- Declaration by the adoption applicants that they are willing to adopt the child proposed to them.
- Obtain access to the adoption file
- Foster children
- One-off benefit when taking in a foster child
- Replace a parent's consent to adoption
- Revocation of consent to adoption by children over 14 years of age
- Geeste:
- Haren (Ems):
- Haselünne:
- Herzlake:
- Meppen:
- Twist:
You are the parent or guardian of a child (the person with custody of the child).
You are unable to care for and raise the child in a way that is good for the child.
Full-time foster care is suitable and necessary (this is decided by the youth welfare office).
Which documents are required?
- Identity card
- If applicable, proof of custody, for example: birth certificate, information from the custody register or family court decision on custody
What are the fees?
The costs of full-time foster care are largely borne by the youth welfare office. However, you must make a reasonable contribution to the costs. Please ask the responsible youth welfare office about this.
Process flow
Contact the responsible youth welfare office.
The youth welfare office will explain to you in a personal meeting what help is available.
The youth welfare office will try to support you so that your child can continue to stay with you.
If the youth welfare office and you come to the conclusion that it makes sense to place your child in a foster family, you can apply for "educational support".
All parties involved (you, your child, any future foster parents and the youth welfare office) will meet for an assistance plan meeting. The help plan sets out how the help is to be organized and which goals are to be achieved.
The youth welfare office looks for a suitable foster family. You can express your wishes. If there are several possible foster parents, you can help choose one.
The youth welfare office regularly checks whether the help is still suitable.