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Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program

With entry-level training, you can prepare young people who have already decided on a specific profession for an apprenticeship in your company. As part of a paid internship, they are introduced to the future training content and can put their skills to the test.

You can apply for a monthly allowance of up to EUR 262.00 plus a flat-rate share of the average total social security contribution for the internship remuneration.

The content of the internship should be based on the future training occupation. You should also aim to take on the trainee in your company.

Eligible for funding are

  • Training applicants registered with the Employment Agency with limited placement prospects for individual reasons who do not have a training position even after the nationwide follow-up placement campaigns,
  • training seekers who are not yet fully ready for training, and
  • those with learning difficulties and socially disadvantaged training seekers

This also applies to young, employable beneficiaries who receive basic benefits for jobseekers from the Jobcenter.

Funding generally begins on October 1 of each year at the earliest. It is generally possible to start the measure early from August 1.

You must apply for the grant for entry-level training in writing:

  • Specify the internship content, duration, remuneration and suitability criteria for the participants and report the open offer to your chamber and your employment agency.
  • You will then receive information about a provisional funding commitment.
  • If your prospective trainees do not receive any benefits from the job center, ask them to register with the employment agency. This is the only way to check whether they belong to the eligible group of people.
  • If the applicant is eligible for support, you will conclude an EQ contract with him or her. You can download the sample contract or ask your chamber.
  • Before the internship begins, apply to the employer service or job center for an internship allowance. Enclose a copy of the EQ contract. If you have registered for eServices with the employment agency, you can also exchange all applications and supporting documents online with the job center.
  • You then register the trainee with the health insurance company and the employers' liability insurance association.
  • You will receive a written notification from the job center as to whether the subsidy will be granted. If you have agreed to electronic transmission of the notification in your online account, the notification will be made available to you online in your notification file.
  • If your applicant is required to attend vocational school, you must register him or her at the vocational school and preferably in the relevant subject class before the start of the internship.
  • If your trainee requires support during the introductory training, he or she should coordinate this with the Jobcenter and apply for this support if required.

You can find the office responsible for you using the office finder on the Federal Employment Agency's website.

You can find the office responsible for you using the office finder on the Federal Employment Agency's website.

  • The internship must:
    • last between 6 and 12 months.
    • be remunerated and covered by social insurance.
  • The intern must belong to the eligible group of people. This must be checked by the job center.
  • The trainee must not have previously been employed in your company.
  • The introductory training must not take place in the company of a spouse, partner or parents.
  • If vocational school attendance is compulsory, the trainee must attend vocational school and be enrolled in the relevant specialist class.
  • Contract for introductory training between the company and the young person


There is no deadline. You must apply for funding before the introductory training begins. The applicant must be registered at the vocational school before the start of the internship, provided that vocational school attendance is compulsory.

Forms available: No
Written form required: Yes
Informal application possible: No
Personal appearance necessary: No
Online services available: Yes


Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS)


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

competent Bodies

Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Arbeit
Address: Ordeniederung 1 , 49716 Meppen
Postal address: Post Office Box 15 62 , 49705 Meppen
Telephone: 05931 44-0
Fax: 05931 44-3621
Transport Connection:
Station Haltestelle Kreishaus
Bus: 993

Building Access
elevator available, wheelchair-accessible


Telephone: 05931 44-0
responsible for:

Data protection information

Landkreis Emsland
Address: Ordeniederung 1 , 49716 Meppen
Postal address: Post Office Box 15 62 , 49705 Meppen
Telephone: 05931 44-0
Fax: 05931 44-3621
Transport Connection:
Station Haltestelle Kreishaus
Bus: 993

Building Access
elevator available, wheelchair-accessible
bank account:
recipients: Landkreis Emsland
bank: Emsländische Volksbank
IBAN: DE26266600600120050000
recipients: Landkreis Emsland
bank: Sparkasse Emsland
IBAN: DE39266500010000001339
recipients: Landkreis Emsland
bank: Postbank Hannover
IBAN: DE36250100300012132306


Marc-André Burgdorf
responsible for:
Bernd Otten (Datenschutzbeauftragter)
Telephone: 05931 44-1605
Fax: 05931 44-391605
responsible for:

Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz Niedersachsen
Address: Prinzenstraße 5, 30159 Hannover
Telephone: +49 511 12045-00
Fax: +49 511 12045-99

Source: Serviceportal Niedersachsen (Portalverbund des Bundes und der Länder)