Receiving death benefits from the agricultural accident insurance fund
You will receive death benefits if you have paid for the funeral of a person
- who was insured for accidents with the Agricultural Employer's Liability Insurance Association and had
- who died as a result of an insured event. This includes:
- occupational accidents
- commuting accidents and
- occupational diseases
You will also receive death benefits if, for example, there was no funeral due to missing in action. This includes:
- Widows or widowers,
- children,
- stepchildren,
- foster children,
- grandchildren,
- brothers and sisters,
- former spouses or wives,
- Relatives in the ascending line, that is:
- parents
- grandparents
- parents of illegitimate children
- adoptive parents and
- great-grandparents, if applicable
However, people who are not family members may also be entitled to death benefits if they have paid for the funeral.
The amount of the death grant corresponds to
- for surviving dependents: one seventh of the so-called reference amount applicable at the time of death. This is calculated on the basis of the income of all persons insured under the statutory pension insurance scheme.
- for persons who do not belong to the family: the actual costs of the funeral and is at most as high as the death grant for survivors.
Who should I contact?
Responsible authorities
Sozialversicherung für Landwirtschaft, Forsten und Gartenbau (SVLFG)
In order to receive death benefits, the following conditions must be met:
- Death is the result of an insured event under the agricultural accident insurance, i.e.
- an accident at work,
- an accident on the way to work
- an occupational disease.
- You have paid for the funeral.
- You are a survivor or survivors.
- You are not a survivor or survivors, but you paid for the burial.
If you paid for the funeral but are not a survivor or survivors:
- There are no survivors entitled to the death benefit.
Applications / forms
Forms: none
Online procedure possible: no
Written form required: no
Personal appearance required: no
Which documents are required?
As a person entitled to benefits, but who is not a survivor or surviving dependant:
- Proof of payment and amount of funeral expenses, for example, invoice.
What are the fees?
There are no costs for you.
Process flow
You do not have to apply for the death grant. The Agricultural Employer's Liability Insurance Association examines the claim for death benefits ex officio.
The Agricultural Employer's Liability Insurance Association will inform the possible beneficiaries known to it in order to enable them to register their claims.
You can still contact the Agricultural Employer's Liability Insurance Association.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
You do not have to meet any deadlines.
Processing duration
usually immediately, maximum 4 to 6 weeks
- Appeal
For detailed information on how to lodge an appeal, please refer to the decision of the Agricultural Employers' Liability Insurance Association. - Action before the social court