General schools: Admission - grammar school
The Gymnasium provides its pupils with a broad and in-depth general education and enables them to acquire the general ability to study. It strengthens independent learning and scientific propaedeutic work. In accordance with their abilities and inclinations, the grammar school enables its pupils to focus on individual subjects and enables them to continue their education at a university or in a profession, depending on their qualifications.
Depending on the school's decision, lessons in years 5 to 10 consist of compulsory lessons and optional lessons or compulsory lessons, optional compulsory lessons and optional optional lessons. A second foreign language must be studied from year 6 onwards. Special subject-related teaching focuses can be offered in years 8 to 10. Successful completion of year 10 entitles the student to enter the introductory phase of the upper secondary school (year 11). In the event of leaving school, all lower secondary level qualifications can be obtained depending on the results achieved in year 10.
The gymnasiale Oberstufe is divided into a one-year introductory phase (year 11) and a two-year qualification phase (years 12 and 13), ending with the Abitur examination after 13 school years.
Successful completion of the Abitur examination leads to a general higher education entrance qualification. This entitles the student to take up any course of study at a university, college or university of applied sciences, irrespective of any university admission procedures and admission requirements.
In the event of early departure (at the earliest at the end of the first year of the qualification phase) or failure to pass the Abitur examination, the school-based part of the Fachhochschulreife can be acquired, provided that the minimum requirements are met. The school-based part of the Fachhochschulreife in combination with a vocational part leads to the general Fachhochschulreife. This entitles the holder to study at all universities of applied sciences, at corresponding integrated degree courses at comprehensive universities and, to a limited extent and after individual admission procedures, also at corresponding Bachelor's degree courses at some universities.
Who should I contact?
Responsible authorities
Bildung, Kultur
- Your child has successfully completed primary school (grades 1 to 4).
- The choice of secondary school type is your free decision as a parent or guardian within the framework of the local school offer (if necessary, after prior consultation with the elementary school previously attended).
Applications / forms
The schools have the necessary registration forms available.
Which documents are required?
The following documents are required for enrollment at a grammar school:
- Your child's half-year report from the 4th grade of elementary school
- If necessary, further documents on request by the school
What are the fees?
Fee: free of charge
Process flow
- You register your child at the grammar school responsible for you.
- After registering, inform the elementary school which grammar school your child will be attending in the future.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
- Registration period: at the earliest 10 weeks and at the latest 5 weeks before the start of the summer vacation
- The school authorities can determine a staggered registration procedure for the schools in their area of responsibility.
What else should I know?
Legal basis
- Decree "The work in grades 5 to 10 of the grammar school"
- Ordinance on the upper secondary school level (VO-GO)
- Supplementary provisions to the Ordinance on the Upper Secondary School (EB-VO-GO)
- Ordinance on the qualifications in the gymnasiale Oberstufe, the Berufliches Gymnasium, the Abendgymnasium and the Kolleg (AVO-GOBAK)
- Supplementary provisions to the ordinance on qualifications in the upper secondary school, vocational grammar school, evening grammar school and college (EB-AVO-GOBAK)
This administrative service does not constitute an administrative act. For this reason, there is no legal remedy.