Enroll a child in daycare
Day care for children andday care facilities for children serve to educate, educate and care for your child.
From the age of one to the age of three, every child has an individual legal entitlement to needs-based education, upbringing and care in a day-care centre or day-care centre.
A child is entitled to support in a day-care centre from the age of 3 until they start school.
For school-age children, a needs-based offer must be provided in a day-care facility.
The child can be cared for in case of special needs or in supplementary day care.
Special notes for - Single Municipality Haren (Ems)
Haren (Ems) currently offers around 1,100 childcare places in 13 facilities for children who have their primary residence in Haren (Ems), including around 300 crèche places for children up to the age of three. The facilities are located in all parts of the town and offer various care concepts and care times.
The family center affiliated with the St. Elisabeth daycare center also arranges daycare places in individual cases if the childcare time is not sufficient for the parents' professional activities.
The Frauen- und Mütterzentrum Haren e.V. (MütZe) rounds off the childcare services for children under the age of 3 as a large day care center.
In principle, parents are free to decide in which daycare center they would like to register their child/children. However, parents are asked to prioritize the registration of their children in the daycare centers that correspond to the later school catchment area in order to ensure a smooth transition to elementary school.
Who should I contact?
Information about the day-care centres or childcare centres available in your municipality (locations/registration procedures/concepts) can be obtained from the local municipal or city administration or the local youth welfare office.
Responsible authorities
Bildung, Kultur
Parents should contact the responsible office in good time to find out whether and which free childcare places are available and how to register.
Personal contact or getting to know each other personally between you, your child and the day-care centre is usually offered before registration.
The places in the day-care centres are usually allocated for the new kindergarten year (01.08. of a year). . Places for the new kindergarten year are often allocated in the spring of each year. Other times for registration and admission are also possible.
Which documents are required?
- Certificate of medical examination and medical vaccination consultation
Children from the age of one:
- Proof of measles protection: vaccination card or medical certificate
- Certificate of employment, if applicable
- If applicable, self-declaration to determine the fees
The competent authority may request further documents.
What are the fees?
Costs (fees, expenses, etc.): variable
From the first day of the month in which they reach the age of three until they start school, children are entitled to free support in a day-care centre for up to eight hours a day).
In addition, cost contributions can be set by the respective sponsors / municipalities on a staggered basis. The cost contribution may depend, among other things, on
- from the income of the parents,
- the number of children in a family,
- from the childcare time.
The cost contribution can be waived if you have a low income.
If you cannot afford to have your child cared for in a day care facility or by a childcare provider due to your financial circumstances, you can contact your youth welfare office. Depending on the individual case, you can apply there for a partial or full refund of the parental contributions.
Special notes for - Single Municipality Haren (Ems)
The fees for attending a childcare facility or daycare center are set by the local authorities. The state government has stipulated in the KiTaG that childcare services for children of kindergarten age are free of charge for up to eight hours. Costs for children's meals and other fees are not included in this regulation and must be paid separately.
Process flow
- Contact the municipality or the local youth welfare office to find out about childcare options in your area.
- Get in touch with the management of the desired facility or the childcare provider.
- Inquire about the childcare hours, the conceptual focus, the cost of care, the offer of a meal, etc.
- Clarify the exact registration procedure and the registration deadlines on site.
- Find out if you can enroll your child in multiple facilities.
- You will receive a medical examination form from the institution you choose (or from its sponsor). Have it completed by the examining physician. The medical certificate should confirm that there are no objections to visiting the facility.
- Prior to admission, a supervision contract will be concluded with you. It contains legal agreements, for example on daily childcare hours, childcare costs and notice periods.
- Note: In the case of children with a disability, it is advisable to contact the institution and its sponsor to clarify any additional support that may be required.
Special notes for - Single Municipality Haren (Ems)
From the kindergarten year 2025/2026, the parent portal "Kita-Online-Anmeldung" will be the central online registration system for daycare and childcare places in Haren (Ems). The portal provides an overview of the childcare on offer. Parents can register their child for up to three preferred facilities. Personal contact with the facility is still important and will of course continue.
Registrations for the kindergarten year 2025/2026 (from 01.08.2025) should be made by 12.01.2025. Parents can also register their child/children later. However, children registered by 12.01.2025 will be considered first when allocating childcare places.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The local authorities may stipulate that a child's entitlement to support in a day-care centre or day-care centre must be asserted within a specified period of not more than three months. Special cases of hardship are excluded from this.
Special notes for - Single Municipality Haren (Ems)
- Daycare centers
Remark: Reconciling work and family life is a matter of course today. This requires a good range of childcare facilities. Haren's facilities are well distributed throughout the city and its districts. A socially acceptable one hundred percent supply is guaranteed. Places are allocated by the kindergartens. Registrations must therefore be made there. Various kindergartens also offer inclusive education for children with disabilities.