Property valuation: Information on the real estate market (real estate market), valuation data, market value appraisals
The primary task of the official appraisal committees for land values is to contribute to the transparency of the land market by determining the value of land and by observing and analysing the market. The legal basis for the performance of tasks is the Building Code. The evaluation committees essentially perform the following tasks: |
- Market observation through the management of a purchase price collection and derivation of real estate market data
- Market education through the derivation of standard land values (general, comprehensive market transparency)
- Market information through the preparation of market value appraisals (case-by-case, selective market transparency)
On the basis of the Building Code, the offices of the appraisal committees for land values receive all contracts by which ownership of a property is to be transferred for a fee. The land purchase contracts are transmitted by the notaries who certify them. The contents of these contracts are recorded and stored in databases (purchase price collections) in compliance with data protection regulations. This data, which is based on purchase prices actually paid, is evaluated by the appraisal committees to derive prices, sales and other important data from the real estate market. Personal data is not stored and therefore cannot be evaluated. |
All real estate market data derived by the appraisal committees from the purchase price collection are generally available on the Internet. Property market data is equally helpful if you are active in professional real estate valuation as well as for your private concerns if you need a value orientation for a property. Overall, this makes a significant contribution to transparency in the real estate market with official quality. |
If certain requirements are met, an expert committee or its office will also provide information from the purchase price collection. |
The property market data as well as standard land values are provided free of charge on the Real Estate Market Lower Saxony page. Market value appraisals can be applied for at the respective expert committee for a fee. Note on the appraisal committees for property values: The expert committees are responsible for specific regions in Lower Saxony defined by the state; the Upper Expert Committee is responsible for the entire national territory. The committees are made up of chairpersons and honorary members. The presiding members are members of the surveying and cadastral administration, honorary members are experts from the broad field of the real estate industry, e.g. from the field of architecture, civil engineering, agriculture, finance or brokerage. An expert committee is always autonomous and independent. To support the completion of tasks, each expert committee has an office, which is also located at the surveying and cadastral administration of the respective regional directorate of the State Office for Geoinformation and Surveying Lower Saxony (LGLN). |
Who should I contact?
The offices of the expert committees in Lower Saxony are set up at the regional directorates of the State Office for Geoinformation and Surveying of Lower Saxony. These can each be responsible for several districts and independent cities.
Responsible authorities
Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landesvermessung Niedersachsen (LGLN) - Regionaldirektion Osnabrück-Meppen - Geschäftsstelle des Gutachterausschusses für Grundstückswerte Osnabrück-Meppen
The requirements differ depending on the type of service desired. Information on the requirements in the specific individual case can be obtained from the office of the responsible expert committee.
Applications / forms
Forms available: No Written form required: No Informal application possible: Yes Personal appearance required: No Online services available: Yes |
Which documents are required?
The required documents differ depending on the type of service requested. Information on the necessity in a specific individual case is provided by the office of the responsible expert committee. |
What are the fees?
Payment in advance: No Description of the costs: Fee |
Method of payment: Invoice |
Remark: The cost varies depending on the type of service requested. If the services are not free of charge, the amount of fee-based services is regulated in the current version of the fee schedule for the expert committees and the upper expert committee (GOGut). Information on the fees in the specific individual case can be obtained from the office of the responsible expert committee. |
Process flow
The procedure differs depending on the type of service desired. Information on the procedure in the specific individual case is provided by the office of the responsible expert committee.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
No deadline
Processing duration
Duration: 3 working days Remark: The processing time differs depending on the type of service requested. Information on the processing time in a specific individual case is provided by the office of the responsible expert committee. |
What else should I know?
Legal basis
No legal remedy required, as it is a contact for advice