Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
If your shooting club already has a gun ownership card and you want to purchase other firearms requiring a permit in addition to the weapons registered there for the club, you will need a permit to do so. The permit is issued by the competent authority by means of an entry in the firearms possession card (pre-entry). With the pre-entry, you have one year to acquire the registered weapon that requires a permit.
In the application for a permit for the further acquisition of a firearm, you only need to specify what type of weapon with which caliber you wish to acquire. Further information, such as manufacturer and exact model, is not required for the time being. You do not have to provide this information until you have acquired the weapon and comply with your obligation to report the acquisition of the weapon to the competent authority. The gun dealer must also notify you of the surrender of the weapon.
You will need to prove that you can safely store the weapon you intend to acquire.
Who should I contact?
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Sicherheit und Ordnung
- Dörpen:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Emsbüren:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Emsland:
- Freren:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Geeste:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Haren (Ems):
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Haselünne:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Herzlake:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Lathen:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Lengerich:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Nordhümmling:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Rhede (Ems):
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Salzbergen:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Spelle:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Sögel:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Twist:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Werlte:
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for a permit to acquire and possess weapons (yellow weapon possession card [WBK]) as an individual sport shooter
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons (weapon possession card [WBK]) as shooting sports clubs
- Apply for permission to bring firearms or ammunition to, through or from the Federal Republic of Germany
- Authorisation to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Granted to purchasers as a result of an inheritance
- Gun ownership card: issuance - for sport shooters
- Licence to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red weapon possession card for weapons or ammunition experts
- Operation of a shooting range in enclosed spaces: display
- Permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issue of weapons possession card for hunting associations
- Permission to take firearms or ammunition into, through or out of the Federal Republic of Germany Extension
- Permit for the acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition Issuance of green gun ownership card for a single person
- Permit for the transfer of firearms and ammunition
- Permit to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition Issuance of red gun possession card for gun or ammunition collectors
- Portable shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Dörpen:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Emsbüren:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Emsland:
- Freren:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Geeste:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Haren (Ems):
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Haselünne:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Herzlake:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Lathen:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Lengerich:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Meppen:
- Nordhümmling:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Papenburg:
- Rhede (Ems):
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Salzbergen:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Spelle:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Sögel:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Twist:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
- Werlte:
- Apply for a European firearms pass
- Apply for a firearms licence if you have a gun ownership card for a shooting club
- Apply for arms trade permit
- Apply for weapon manufacturing license
- Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
- Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate the opening or closing of a branch or a subsidiary
- Licence to operate a shooting range: Licence to operate a shooting range
Weapon Possession Card (WBK) for Clubs
Which documents are required?
Identity card or passport (copy)
Weapon Possession Card (WBK) for Clubs
Proof of safe storage
Process flow
You must apply for the pre-registration at the competent firearms authority. Submit the application along with the required documents.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There is no deadline.
What else should I know?
To be able to fill out the ad faster, you can use the NWR identification numbers (NWR ID):
Your personal NWR ID (P or F NWR ID) for your personal information
the Permit-NWR-ID for the Weapons Permit (E-NWR-ID)
the weapon or weapon part NWR ID (W or T-NWR ID).
You can obtain the NWR IDs upon application to the responsible weapons authority.