Entitlement to a place in a day-care centre
Day care and day care facilities for children serve to educate and care for children. From the age of one and up to the age of three, every child has an individual legal entitlement to needs-based care in a day care centre or a day care centre. Every child who has reached the age of three is entitled to support in a day care centre for children until they start school. The local providers have to provide a needs-based supply of all-day places.
Attendance at the daycare centre is free of charge from a child's 3rd birthday until they start school.
The Orientation Plan for Education and Upbringing in the Early Childhood Sector and the supplementary recommendations for action "Language Education and Language Promotion" and "Working with Children under the Age of Three" specify the educational mandate for the elementary sector of Lower Saxony's day care centres for children.
Who should I contact?
The responsibility lies with the district, the independent city, the municipality, the joint municipality and the city in which you reside. There you can find out about the local facilities, the number of places, etc.
The Child and Family Service Offices are also available for all childcare questions.
Responsible authorities
Einheitsgemeinde Geeste
Which documents are required?
Documents may be required. Please contact the competent authority.
What are the fees?
The fees for attending a day-care centre or a day-care centre for children are set out by the municipalities in their statutes. The state government has stipulated in the KiTaG that childcare services for children of kindergarten age are free of charge for up to eight hours. Costs for catering for children are not included in this regulation.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Deadlines may have to be observed. Please contact the competent authority.