Commercial arms manufacture and/or commercial arms trade - indicate commencement or cessation of operations.
The commencement or cessation of operations for the commercial manufacture and/or trade in weapons must be notified to the competent authority.
The notification must be made by the holder of the firearms manufacturing licence or the arms trade licence or his authorised representative to the authority responsible for the place of the establishment.
The districts, independent cities, large independent cities and independent municipalities are responsible
The firearms manufacturing license or firearms trade license must have been issued.
- Weapons manufacturing license or weapons trade license
The notification must be made within two weeks of the commencement or cessation of operations.
In Lower Saxony, a preliminary procedure is not provided for by § 80 of the Lower Saxony Justice Act. Therefore, no objection is admissible. Rather, administrative court action is to be brought directly.
Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour, Transport and Digitalisation
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