Requesting access to the register of building encumbrances
The register of building encumbrances contains encumbrances on properties under building law. These encumbrances have been assumed by owners to fulfill building law requirements.
Who should I contact?
Responsibility lies with the district, the independent city, the large independent city and the municipality with building supervisory powers.
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Hochbau
- Dörpen:
- Emsbüren:
- Freren:
- Geeste:
- Haren (Ems):
- Haselünne:
- Herzlake:
- Lathen:
- Lengerich:
- Nordhümmling:
- Rhede (Ems):
- Salzbergen:
- Spelle:
- Sögel:
- Twist:
- Werlte:
The prerequisite for the provision of information from the register of building encumbrances is an existing legitimate interest. This is assumed by stating the street name and house number as well as cadastral data (district, corridor and parcel).
Which documents are required?
No documents are required.
What are the fees?
The creation of extracts from the register of building encumbrances is subject to a fee. The amount of the fee is determined in accordance with the Building Fee Regulations (BauGO), which are applied at the discretion of the local authority.
Process flow
The administrative service must be requested from the office keeping the directory.
Processing duration
The processing time depends on the processing status and is limited by the VwVfG to three months.