Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Federal Cross of Merit)
The Order of Merit is awarded in eight different levels. The first award is generally the Medal of Merit or the Cross of Merit on Ribbon.
A financial donation is not associated with the award of the Order of Merit.
The Lower Saxony State Chancellery is responsible for processing the suggestions of the Order for citizens of Lower Saxony.
Anyone can suggest that the Order of Merit be awarded to another person. The stimulation is informal. However, it must be in writing (also possible by e-mail) and should contain the following information about the proposed person:
- First name and surname, residential address, if possible: date of birth
- Description of the nature and extent of the special services to the Federal Republic of Germany and the general welfare
(It might be helpful to designate reference persons or organisations who can comment on the proposal.)
Anyone who initiates his own award cannot expect to be awarded the Order of Merit according to the provisions of the Order's law. Nor can the Order of Merit be awarded posthumously.
Formal proposals for the Order are submitted to the Federal President by the heads of government of the 16 Länder for their "children of the country", the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs for foreigners or for Germans residing abroad and the respective Federal Minister for his employees. In principle, the Federal President bases his decision on their examination results and applications and awards orders only in consensus with them.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.