Regional Planning, Regional Spatial Planning Programme (RROP)
A regional spatial planning programme is the spatial plan for a sub-area of the state of Lower Saxony, e.g. for the territory of a district or region. A regional spatial planning programme defines what spatial development should look like in the sub-area concerned. It contains goals and principles for development, order and security
- settlement and supply structures (e.g. bundling of supply facilities in central locations, specifications for retail locations for local supply),
- open space uses and functions (e.g. conservation for agriculture and forestry, for recreational purposes or for ecologically significant functions) as well as
- technical infrastructures (e.g. for transport and energy supply).
The objectives and principles are set out in text form or in drawings on a map (e.g. by spatial demarcation of priority areas or reserved areas for certain uses).
As a rule, the public can participate in the definition of such objectives and principles.
Who should I contact?
The responsibility for the procedure lies with the respective regional planning authority. This is usually the county.
For the area of the districts of Gifhorn, Goslar, Helmstedt, Peine and Wolfenbüttel and the independent cities of Braunschweig, Salzgitter and Wolfsburg, the Regional Association of Greater Braunschweig is responsible as the regional planning agency.
Responsible authorities
Emsbüren - Bereich Gemeinde- und Bauleitplanung
from 08:00 to 12:00
and 14:00 to 16:00
from 08:00 to 12:00
from 08:00 to 12:00
from 08:00 to 12:00
and 14:00 to 18:00
from 08:00 to 12:00
Which documents are required?
No documents are required.
What are the fees?
There are no fees.
Process flow
If there is a planning intention to draw up or amend a regional spatial planning programme, the authorities and the public shall be informed of this by the competent regional planning authority by means of a public notice.
After a detailed draft plan has been drawn up, an official and public participation is carried out. The draft plan is made available to the public with an explanatory memorandum and an environmental report and made available on the Internet. There will then be an opportunity to comment. Further details of the participation procedure will be made public in advance.
Only in the case of insignificant changes without significant environmental impact is there a simplified procedure and public participation can be omitted.
After weighing up all the interests involved, the Regional Spatial Planning Programme (or its amendment) is adopted as a statute and submitted to the higher state planning authority for approval. The granting of the permit shall be made public by the regional planning authority. At the same time, it will be made public where the statutes on the Regional Spatial Planning Programme (or the statutes amending it) and the related documents can be consulted.
The current Regional Spatial Planning Programme can be viewed at the responsible regional planning authority.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Deadlines for the submission of an opinion must be observed. These are announced in each case as part of a procedure for drawing up or amending the Regional Spatial Planning Programme.
Legal basis
- §§ 7 to 11 and 13 of the Spatial Planning Act (ROG)
Remark: in conjunction with §§ 3 and 5 to 7 of the Lower Saxony Spatial Planning Act (NROG)
- §§ 3 and 5 to 7 of the Lower Saxony Spatial Planning Act (NROG)