Apply for benefits from the state fund for the blind
If you are blind or have a similarly severe visual impairment, live at home and find yourself in a challenging life situation, you can apply for financial support from the Landesblindenfonds.
Benefits from the National Fund for the Blind can be granted in particular
- if you have been diagnosed with blindness or a similarly severe visual impairment within the last four years prior to submitting an application,
- if you live alone because a sighted person living in your household has left the household in the 18 months prior to receipt of the application,
- if you start one of the following activities for the first time: training, studies, employment on the primary labor market or in a workshop for people with disabilities,
- if you change your place of residence for work-related reasons (e.g. by changing your place of work or starting retraining),
- if you are actually looking after a child or several children under the age of 16 who live with you at home,
- if you take part in self-help measures that are not financed by third parties, in particular social insurance or social benefit providers,
- if you are also deaf.
Benefits from the National Fund for the Blind are paid as a lump sum.
You are free to decide how you use the financial support you receive.
Who should I contact?
Responsibility lies with the Lower Saxony State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family in Hildesheim
Responsible authorities
Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Soziales, Jugend und Familie
- You must have been awarded the mark Bl, which stands for blind, by a notice of assessment.
- You must not be living in an inpatient facility (e.g. nursing home) or in a special form of accommodation for integration assistance.
Applications / forms
Applications canbe made in writing (informally or by application, which you can obtain from the Lower Saxony State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family) or online.
Which documents are required?
- Copy of the notice of assessment of the "Bl" markor a valid severely disabled person's pass with the registered "Bl" mark
- Proof of habitual residence in Lower Saxony
- Documents that are suitable to substantiate the reason you have given for the benefits applied for
- fIf the application cannot or should not be submitted by the applicant him/herself, proof that the applicant is authorized to submit the application (e.g. power of attorney, guardian's certificate)
What are the fees?
There are no fees.
Fee: free of charge
Fee: free of charge
Process flow
- You submit an application to the Lower Saxony State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family in Hildesheim for benefits from the State Fund for the Blind.
- The authority will check your application and contact you if there are any queries or missing documents.
- Once all the documents have been submitted, the authority will check your entitlement to benefits from the State Fund for the Blind.
- After the review, you will receive a notice of approval or rejection.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
No deadlines need to be observed. However, the application must be closely related to the purpose.
Processing duration
A decision on the application will be made as quickly as possible. The processing time depends, among other things, on the completeness of the information and the submission of the evidence required for processing the application.
What else should I know?
The website of the Lower Saxony State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family provides further information on the State Fund for the Blind.
Other benefits for blind people that may be available to compensate for the additional expenses caused by blindness include the state allowance for the blind and/or assistance for the blind.
Blind and severely visually impaired people from the former administrative district of Braunschweig can receive support from the Herzog-Wilhelm-Blindenstiftung.