Benefits for education and participation for children, adolescents and young adults Authorization
The benefits for education and participation were introduced to give children and young people from financially disadvantaged families the opportunity to take advantage of learning and leisure activities and thus open up better educational and development opportunities for them.
The education and participation package includes the following benefits:
1. excursions and school trips lasting several days
The costs for one-day excursions and trips lasting several days to schools and day-care centers are covered in the actual amount, with the exception of pocket money, if all requirements are met.
2. personal school supplies
Pupils receive a lump sum of EUR 195 in the calendar year 2025 for school equipment (e.g. for school bags, sports equipment and writing, arithmetic and drawing materials):
- 130 euros for the 1st half of the school year
- 65 euros for the 2nd half of the school year
Since 2021, personal school supplies have been adjusted annually by the same percentage as the standard requirement.
3. school transportation
The costs for school transportation to the nearest school can be covered free of charge under certain conditions. The prerequisite is that transportation to the nearest school is necessary and the costs are not covered by another party.
4. learning support
Pupils receive learning support insofar as this complements, is suitable for and is additionally necessary to achieve the main learning objectives. A confirmation from the teacher is required as proof.
5. additional expenditure for lunch
For each child entitled to benefits, the expenses for communal lunches at school, in the day care center or in child day care are paid.
6. participation in social and cultural life
Subsidies are paid for activities that promote leisure activities for children and young people in the community - club memberships, swimming courses, camps, music lessons and much more. There is currently 15 euros per person per month available for this purpose, which can also be divided between various activities or saved up for a larger activity.
Who should I contact?
Responsibility lies with the district or independent city.
If you are in need of assistance according to SGB II, please contact your local job center for advice and application.
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Arbeit
- Dörpen:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Emsbüren:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Emsland:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Benefits for education and participation for children, adolescents and young adults Authorization
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Freren:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Geeste:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Haren (Ems):
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Haselünne:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Herzlake:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Lathen:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Lengerich:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Meppen:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Nordhümmling:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Papenburg:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Rhede (Ems):
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Salzbergen:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Spelle:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Sögel:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Twist:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
- Werlte:
- Apply for funding for education and participation for children and young adults if they are currently receiving assistance with living expenses
- Apply for funding for education and participation of children/young adults receiving benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving child allowance (BKGG)
- Apply for funding for the education and participation of children and young adults if you are currently receiving housing benefit
- Funding for education for young adults if they are currently receiving basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- School excursions, school trips and comparable trips from day-care centres: reimbursement of costs
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips by day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB XII
Young people are eligible if they, or their families, receive one of the following benefits:
- Citizen's allowance (SGB II)
- Housing benefit and supplementary child allowance (§ 6b BKGG)
- Social assistance (SGB XII - assistance for subsistence, basic security)
- Asylum seeker benefits (§§ 2 or 3 AsylbLG)
- Families with a low income
Anyone who does not receive any of the above benefits but cannot cover the costs of education and participation themselves can have their individual entitlement to education and participation benefits checked. The entitlement to benefits applies to children and young people up to the age of 25. Benefits for participation in social and cultural life in the community are subsidized up to the age of 18.
Applications / forms
You can obtain the relevant forms from the office responsible for you.
Which documents are required?
Documents may be required. Please contact the responsible office.
What are the fees?
There are no fees.
Process flow
The application for BuT can be made informally.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Claims for benefits under the education and participation package in accordance with the Federal Child Benefit Act (for families with child supplement or housing benefit) expire 12 months after the end of the calendar month in which they arose.
What else should I know?
Schools and daycare centers should also get in touch with the relevant authorities if they want to participate in the education package.
Teachers and educators play an important role in the education and participation package: they know the strengths and weaknesses of the pupils particularly well and can give parents tips on which offers make sense for the individual child.
Schools are particularly important when it comes to tutoring: parents can only apply for tutoring from the education package if they confirm that a pupil is not achieving their learning goals.
Legal basis
- § 19 Para. 2 in conjunction with. § Section 28 (1) of the German Social Code - Second Book (SGB II)
- §§ Sections 34a (1) and 34 (1) of the German Social Code - Twelfth Book (SGB XII)
- § Section 6b of the Federal Child Benefit Act (BKGG) in conjunction with § Section 28 (2) to (7) of the German Social Code - Second Book (SGB II)