Apply for a translation scholarship in the field of literature
In 2024, the state of Lower Saxony intends to support translators of literary works in the field of literature with a project-related scholarship. The grant is intended to enable the recipient to work more intensively on a translation and bring it to publication. The place of production of the funded translation can be freely chosen. The grant is intended to promote cultural exchange through the translation of a High German publication into a foreign language or through the translation of a foreign-language work into High German.
The amount of the grant for translations is up to 7,800 euros.
Funding decisions are made by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture. Funding recommendations are made by the Lower Saxony Literature Commission.
If you have submitted applications to several funding institutions, you as the applicant or grant recipient must inform the Ministry accordingly and also notify it immediately of a positive funding decision by another institution. Multiple funding is generally excluded.
Who should I contact?
Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony
Responsible authorities
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur
- A prerequisite for funding is proof of translation activity in the form of a publication by a recognized publisher (not self-published and not paid-for). In addition, written confirmation from a recognized publisher for the specific translation project with the key dates (fee agreements and deadline) should be available. If a contract is not available, this is not an exclusion criterion.
You are eligible for funding:
- You, if your main place of residence or work is in Lower Saxony and you translate foreign-language literature into German or translate German literature into a foreign language.
- You as a translator, if you translate works by authors from Lower Saxony or literature with a connection to Lower Saxony into a foreign language. In this case, the place of residence or production in Lower Saxony is of secondary importance. It is also possible for recognized publishing houses in Lower Saxony to submit an application for a translator.
- A scholarship will not be awarded if you receive regular benefits from third parties (e.g. residence or work grants) or other funding from the state in the field of literature during 2024.
- Applications for projects that have already been rejected in a previous year can only be considered again after a thorough revision.
Which documents are required?
- Curriculum vitae without photo
- List of publications
- Reading sample of maximum 10 manuscript pages
- Confirmation from the publisher (e.g. contract)
Process flow
The application and attachments must be submitted online by 15.01.2024.
The following must be attached to the application in digital form
- Curriculum vitae without photo
- List of publications
- Reading sample of a maximum of 10 manuscript pages
- Confirmation from the publisher (e.g. contract)
- The application is only submitted in the online application system once the "Submit application now" button has been clicked.
- A printout of the online application with signature must be submitted immediately to the
Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture,
Department 32,
Leibnizufer 9,
30169 Hanover.
Incomplete documents or documents not uploaded by the deadline will not be accepted.
The above-mentioned attachments to the application will only be accepted in paper form in exceptional cases and after prior clarification with the department.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The application and attachments must be submitted online by 15.01.2024.
Not possible.