Show fumigation
Anyone wishing to carry out fumigation with fumigants on a commercial basis or independently as part of other economic activities outside a fixed installation must notify the competent authority in writing. In addition, a collective notification may be approved if fumigations are repeated regularly and the conditions described in the notification remain unchanged.
Who should I contact?
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Gesundheit
- Emsland:
- Apply for a permit to supply / dispense certain hazardous substances and mixtures in accordance with ChemVerbotsV
- Apply for a permit to carry out fumigation
- Apply for infection protection instruction including certificate
- Applying for a certificate of competence to carry out fumigation
- Bathing water quality monitoring
- Show fumigation
- Show use of biocides
- Tuberculosis counselling
- Vaccination: Advice
Fumigation may only be carried out if its use is not expected to have any harmful effects on the health of humans, non-target organisms or the environment.
Which documents are required?
- Copy of the certificates of competence
- Site plan of the location or the object to be fumigated
Process flow
You can notify the competent authority of a fumigation activity by e-mail or post.
- You submit the required documents with your notification.
- The competent authority will check your notification for completeness.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
One week before the planned fumigation activity - An exception applies to fumigation activities on ships and in containers in ports. In this case, the application must be submitted 24 hours before the start of the activity.
Processing duration
Shortly after receipt of application - maximum one week
What else should I know?
The permit-issuing authority must be notified immediately of the departure, change and addition of holders of a certificate of competence if the activities are subject to the permit reservation.