Apply for accompanying assistance in working life for working and self-employed severely disabled people
Accompanying assistance in working life makes it easier for severely disabled people to realize their full potential professionally and not be at a disadvantage in the workplace compared to non-disabled people. This support is provided in close cooperation with the Federal Employment Agency and the other rehabilitation providers. The aim is to ensure that people with severe disabilities are employed on an equal footing in jobs where they can contribute and develop their skills and knowledge.
Accompanying assistance supports severely disabled employees:
- for technical work aids
- to reach the workplace
- to establish and maintain an independent professional existence
- to procure, equip and maintain a disability-friendly home
- to participate in measures to maintain and expand professional knowledge and skills and
- in special circumstances
- to cover the costs of necessary work assistance
In addition, support can be given to providers of inclusive companies and specialist integration services as well as information, training and education services. Accompanying assistance in working life can also include, for example, psychosocial support for severely disabled people.
Who should I contact?
In Lower Saxony, the Integration Office of the Lower Saxony State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family is responsible.
Responsible authorities
Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Soziales, Jugend und Familie
- You are a severely disabled employee, civil servant or self-employed person and need support to overcome disadvantages in the labor market compared to non-disabled people
- You are an employer and would like to support severely disabled employees
- Offer support for severely disabled employees as a provider of integration companies and specialist services
- Jobs are also considered to be positions in which employees are employed on a temporary or part-time basis for at least 15 hours per week, or at least 12 hours per week in inclusive companies.
Applications / forms
Forms available: Yes
Written form required: Yes
Informal application possible: Yes
Personal appearance necessary: No
Which documents are required?
- Available application
- Employment contract, certificate of appointment or proof of self-employment
- Assessment notice on the recognized disability
- Severely disabled person's pass or notice of equal treatment
- Cost estimates, if applicable
What are the fees?
Fee: free of charge
Process flow
You submit an application to the Integration Office and submit the necessary documents. A prerequisite for all types of benefits is the existence of a severe disability or equal status, which must be proven. Documents relating to employment are also required. In individual cases, it may also be necessary to submit proof of financial circumstances.
The documents will be checked and, if necessary, further documents will be requested to clarify the facts of the case. Once the check has been completed, a company visit or a visit to the applicant will usually take place. You will then receive either a decision on the benefit applied for or a rejection notice. Each procedure is individual, depending on the benefit/support applied for.
Providers of specialist integration services: The Integration Office concludes contractual agreements on the commissioning of specialist integration services. These include all aspects of the areas of responsibility, staffing and facilities, quality control and financing of the services. Refinancing vis-à-vis the provider is based entirely on this contractual agreement. There is no application process in this respect.
Inclusion projects: The actual volume of new applications for services to providers of integration projects in Lower Saxony does not justify the administrative, professional and technical effort involved in developing a specified application process.
Implementation of information, education and training measures: The Lower Saxony Integration Office develops a training program with training and education measures each calendar year, which is primarily aimed at company representatives and functionaries Interested functionaries register directly for the training courses in writing in consultation with their employers. There is no application process.
Vocational orientation: Corresponding services are not currently included in the service catalog of the Lower Saxony Integration Office.
Budget for work and budget for training: The services are not provided to severely disabled people, but as reimbursement of costs to the local authorities, which approve the budget benefits of the budget for work/the budget for training and pay them out. An overview of the approvals made is sent to the Integration Office in a bundle for the accounting period of a calendar year. Reimbursement is not made on a case-by-case basis, but in total to the respective local authority. There is no actual application process.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
In principle, there are no deadlines to be met. In principle, the submission of the application is required before the planned measure is carried out.
Processing duration
Processing Time: 1 - 3 MonthsThis is only an approximate indication. Due to the diversity of the cases, the respective processing time also differs.
Action before the administrative court