Apply for compensation under the Infection Protection Act for childcare
Working custodians are entitled to compensation for their loss of earnings if schools or daycare centers have been closed for reasons of infection and they ensure the care of their child or children themselves. Children must not have reached the age of 12. This age restriction does not apply to disabled children. The entitlement also applies to foster children.
Compensation depends on your earnings.
Compensation is granted for a maximum closure period of 6 weeks. It amounts to 67% of your net earnings, for a full month a maximum of 2,016 euros.
If the facility would close anyway due to holidays, this rule does not apply in principle.
If you have concluded a childcare contract with an after-school care facility, you are also entitled to compensation during the school holidays.
Before you receive this compensation, you must exhaust all other reasonable care options. These are, for example, childcare by family members or friends, home office, reduction of time credits or vacation.
Care by so-called "risk groups" should be avoided. These include, above all, the elderly or people with pre-existing conditions.
In the case of short-time work, there is no entitlement to compensation.
The following applies to employees:
Your employer will pay you the compensation for the duration of the closure period, for a maximum of 6 weeks. The employer is reimbursed for the amounts paid out by the competent authority.
Therefore, inform your employer immediately about your childcare situation so that they can apply for compensation. If your employer (especially smaller companies) is unable to make advance payments, you can apply for advances in the expected amount of the reimbursement.
In exceptional cases, you can submit the application for compensation yourself.
The following applies to employers:
You must pay the compensation to your employees for the duration of the closure period, for a maximum of 6 weeks (advance payment). You may be reimbursed by the competent authority for the sums paid.
Contributions to pension, long-term care and health insurance can also be reimbursed.
You can also apply for an advance.
The following applies to the self-employed:
You will be reimbursed directly from the competent authority.
For the calculation of the loss of earnings, your last annual profit is taken into account. This is divided by 12.
Contributions to pension, long-term care and health insurance can also be reimbursed.
You can also apply for an advance.
The following applies to homeworkers:
Unlike the self-employed, your average monthly income is taken into account for the calculation.
Who should I contact?
In Lower Saxony, Hesse and Baden-Württemberg, the districts and the independent cities are responsible. In the other federal states, the corresponding state authorities.
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Gesundheit
- Emsland:
- Apply for compensation for loss of earnings in the event of additional costs
- Apply for compensation in the event of loss of earnings
- Apply for compensation under the Infection Protection Act for childcare
- Apply for compensation under the Infection Protection Act for uncovered operating costs
- Applying for compensation under the Infection Protection Act in the event of loss of earnings
Parents are entitled to compensation for their loss of earnings due to childcare if:
- You are caring for your child(ren) yourself due to the closure of a childcare facility or school by the authorities
- and your child is younger than 12 years old or has a disability and is dependent on help,
- and you have a loss of earnings,
- and you have custody of this child,
- and you have no other reasonable care option;
- the Bundestag has decided on the epidemic situation of national significance
- There are no additional children's sick days available according to SGB V.
Applications / forms
Forms available: Yes
Written form required: Yes
Informal application possible: No
Personal appearance required: No
Online services available: Yes
Which documents are required?
For employees:
Application (your employer will provide this online for you)
Applications can be submitted online via or by paper application. In some federal states, however, electronic application is mandatory. Check the website of your federal state to find out which regulations apply there.
Depending on whether you are self-employed, an employer or an employee, you will need the following documents:
In the case of the self-employed
- Proof of income (tax assessment) of the previous year
- Proof of social security
- If the children are legally insured, proof from the health insurance company that you have not taken any children's sick days or that you have already used up the additional children's sick days.
- If applicable, a confirmation from the institution of the closure or, if segregation has been ordered in writing, the corresponding notice
- A confirmation from you and, if applicable.dem, another parent with custody that you no longer have any vacation from the previous year and no more overtime.
For employers
- Instead of the income tax assessment, the wage statements of the 2 months before loss of earnings per employee, as well as for the months for which the refund is claimed
In the case of employees
- Wage statements for the 2 months before loss of earnings and for the months for which the compensation is claimed.
If necessary, further documents:
- If available: Proof of the officially ordered closure of schools or childcare facilities, proof of quarantine of the child, proof of the child's special need for care, e.g. a disability card
- If you submit this application on behalf of a company or a self-employed person (e.g. as a tax consultant): Power of attorney.
- If necessary, further evidence will be requested as part of the processing by the competent authorities.
- Application preparation for Lower Saxony
- If your competent authority is located in Rhineland-Palatinate, Bremen or Thuringia, the completed and signed certificate of the officially ordered closure of the school or childcare facility. For all other countries, this proof is optional. You can download a template here.
What are the fees?
Process flow
The compensation procedure shall be carried out by the competent authority. Employers and the self-employed submit applications, while employees can only submit applications in exceptional cases.
The payment is instructed by the competent authority and is made directly to the account details provided by the applicant. Applicants will receive a notification of this.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Application Deadline: 2 YearsAn entitlement exists at the earliest from 30.03.2020 to 23.09.2022 or in the event of a renewed epidemic situation of national significance. Applications must be submitted within 2 years of the end of the necessary childcare.
Processing duration
Please understand that the processing of applications varies depending on the volume and authority. Unfortunately, it may well happen that the processing of your application can take up to 12 months or longer.
Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received.
What else should I know?
- Please make sure that your information is complete.
- False and incorrect information may lead to a recovery of the compensation paid.
- Please remember to show the compensation payment in the employees' statements or to correct it accordingly after receiving the compensation. This is mainly due to tax reasons.
If you are not satisfied with the authority's decision, you can first try to communicate your reasons and concerns. The authority will then review your request.
If the authority upholds your decision, you have the option of filing a complaint with the competent administrative court in writing or for the record within one month of notification of the decision. In some federal states, the objection must be filed.