Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
You may have a supplementary entitlement to citizen's allowance during (extra-)vocational training or, for example, a pre-vocational training measure. However, priority must be given to vocational training allowance or training allowance.
The same applies if you are a student in school education and receive benefits under BAföG. Even if you receive BAföG during your studies and live in your parents' household, you can receive supplementary citizen's allowance. The following benefits are therefore not relevant for you.
If you are studying and do not live with your parents, are in training and are not entitled to training support under BAföG (for example, because you have exceeded the maximum funding period or the age limit) or are in training and accommodated in a boarding school, the following benefits are available to you:
Benefits for supplementary additional needs
Under certain conditions, you can apply for an allowance for so-called additional needs in addition to the educational support (e.g. BAföG benefits). These include
- Additional needs for expectant mothers
- Additional needs for single parents
- Additional needs for medically necessary cost-intensive nutrition
- Additional needs if there is an unavoidable, ongoing, non-recurring special need in individual cases (e.g. costs for exercising rights of access)
If you have income that exceeds your standard needs and the costs for your accommodation and heating, the excess amount will reduce the benefit for additional needs.
Initial equipment for pregnancy and birth
If you are pregnant or have given birth, you are entitled to additional financial support for initial equipment, for example for clothing or furniture. The condition is that you are in an emergency financial situation.
Hardship loan
In cases of particular hardship, you can receive a loan during your education. This is possible if exceptional, serious circumstances jeopardize your education and/or you find yourself in an emergency situation that threatens your existence.
You can receive a hardship loan if you do not receive BAföG or your BAföG benefits are not sufficient to cover your living expenses and you are unable to remedy the situation by taking up gainful employment.
You must repay the interest-free hardship loan after your studies.
Hardship grant
If you are a pupil in a school-based course and do not receive educational support because you have exceeded certain age limits and are a hardship case, you may be able to receive a grant if this is absolutely necessary for your integration into working life. The allowance can be paid for
- Standard and additional requirements,
- Needs for accommodation and heating,
- contributions to health and long-term care insurance.
The age limit for educational grants is generally 45 years, other exceptions are possible.
Students cannot receive a hardship grant, only a hardship loan.
Transitional loan
If you are already receiving basic security benefits and are starting training, you can receive a transitional loan for the first month. This loan can help you bridge a financial gap until you receive your first training allowance or training grant. It prevents you from jeopardizing the start of your training. It is only granted for the first month of training and is paid at the beginning of the month. The amount is based on the citizen's allowance.
You must repay the interest-free loan after your training.
Who should I contact?
You can find the job center responsible for you using the job center finder on the Federal Employment Agency's website.
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Arbeit
- Dörpen:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Emsbüren:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Emsland:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Freren:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Geeste:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Haren (Ems):
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Haselünne:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Herzlake:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Lathen:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Lengerich:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Meppen:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Nordhümmling:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Papenburg:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Rhede (Ems):
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Salzbergen:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Spelle:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Sögel:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Twist:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
- Werlte:
- Apply for a citizen's allowance
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a placement budget at the job center
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for benefits for the integration of self-employed persons
- Apply for free funding SGB II
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for professional development at the employment agency
- Apply for municipal integration services
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for start-up money
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities at the Employment Agency
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for support for the employment of people who have not worked for many years and receive citizen's allowance
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Being offered a job opportunity
- Receive funding for activation and professional integration measures from the job center
- Rent arrears takeover in case of receipt according to SGB II
- Support for young people in difficult circumstances
If you find yourself in a financial emergency situation at the start of or during your training, you can apply for benefits for trainees. The following applies:
- As a trainee or apprentice, you are not entitled to social benefits such as citizen's allowance and
- You are in a financial emergency situation and
- You are unable to support yourself.
As a rule, you can benefit from the above benefits:
- Students who do not live with their parents
- Trainees who have reached the statutory BAföG age limit
- Trainees in vocational training or a pre-vocational training program who are accommodated with full board
- in a boarding school or
- in a hall of residence.
- Trainees with disabilities who are entitled to a training allowance, for example during vocational training, a pre-vocational training measure or basic training and who are accommodated
- in a boarding school,
- in a residential home or
- in a special facility for people with disabilities,
if the costs of accommodation and meals are covered by the employment agency or another benefit provider.
Loans in general
- Without a loan, the start of your training or its successful completion would be jeopardized for financial reasons.
Hardship loan
- You are not in a position to earn additional income through a part-time job, for example because
- you are a single parent or
- you have a disability or
- you are caring for a relative or
- your residence permit in Germany does not allow it.
- You can be classified as a hardship case if exceptional, serious circumstances jeopardize your education and/or you find yourself in an emergency situation that threatens your livelihood.
Hardship allowance
- You are at least 45 years old and can therefore no longer receive BAföG due to your age and
- You are in school education, without the completion of which your professional integration is seriously jeopardized, but are not studying.
- You can be classified as a hardship case if exceptional, serious circumstances jeopardize your education and/or you find yourself in an emergency situation that threatens your livelihood.
Applications / forms
Forms available: Yes
Written form required: No
Informal application possible: Yes
Personal appearance necessary: No
Online services available: Yes
Which documents are required?
- Application forms:
- The application for benefits for trainees and students in accordance with § 27 SGB II can be made informally. It is generally submitted with the main application ("Application for benefits to secure subsistence in accordance with the Second Book of the Social Code (SGB II)"). However, the Jobcenter may provide its own forms so that it can obtain the information from the applicant that it needs to check the entitlement to benefits and, if applicable, the amount.
- Valid identification document:
- Identity card or
- valid passport with current registration certificate
- Residence permit
- Proof of income, for example a payslip or current bank statements (e.g. pensions, sick pay, child benefit, alimony, maintenance advance, training allowance, BAföG)
- Proof of training or studies (e.g. training or enrollment certificate)
- Proof of existing assets (e.g. savings, shares, securities, building society savings contracts)
- Proof of expenses, for example by submitting bank statements (or, for example, rental agreement, rent receipts, heating costs, documents on insurance premiums)
- Proof of previous receipt of benefits, including from another job center (notice of approval, proof of benefits)
What are the fees?
You do not have to pay any costs if you have an account. If you do not have an account, you will receive a payment instruction for a cash payment (ZzV cash). This is a check. However, you will incur costs as a result, which will be deducted directly from the benefit to which you are entitled. As the amount of the costs for the payment order can vary, please contact your local Jobcenter for more information. You can have the check paid out in cash. Payment is made exclusively via Postbank branches. The ZzV-Bar is a means of payment of Postbank AG, the use of which has been agreed separately between the Federal Employment Agency and Postbank.
Process flow
You must apply for a loan or grant. The application can be made informally. Alternatively, you can also submit an application using the online application for citizen's allowance.
- Ask the job center responsible for your place of residence about the application procedure.
- Benefits for supplementary additional needs must be applied for. Application forms are available for this purpose, which you can collect from the Jobcenter or have sent to you. You can also find the forms on the Internet.
- To apply for a loan, a hardship allowance or initial equipment for pregnancy and childbirth, your Jobcenter may use a separate application form. Your job center will tell you which documents you need to submit for your particular case.
- Fill in the application form.
- If you are under the age of majority, have a person with parental authority sign the application.
- The Jobcenter will check your application.
- The Jobcenter will check your assets and income.
- The Jobcenter will make a decision on a case-by-case basis.
- Hardship allowance: The responsible placement specialist will decide whether the requirements for an allowance are met.
- You will be notified whether your application has been approved or rejected.
- If you are granted a loan, the Jobcenter will agree with you when and how you will repay the money.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There is no time limit. However, benefits are only granted from the first day of the month in which you submit the application.
You should therefore make sure that you submit the application as soon as possible when you become aware of your financial need or when it becomes apparent and not after the fact.
- Technical directives of the Federal Employment Agency: Section 27 SGB II, benefits for trainees
- Technical directives of the Federal Employment Agency: § 37 SGB II, application requirement
- Information sheet on unemployment benefit II and social benefit from the Employment Agency (pages 48 to 50)
- Information on benefits for trainees on the website of the Federal Employment Agency
- Objection
- Summary proceedings before the social court
- Action before the social court