Funding for full-time specialists for recognized care associations
The state of Lower Saxony grants subsidies for the tasks (cross-sectional tasks) to be performed by the recognized care associations in accordance with Section 15 of the Care Organization Act (BtOG) on the basis of Section 4 of the Lower Saxony Implementation Act on Care Law (Nds. AGBtR) and in accordance with the guidelines on the granting of subsidies for the promotion of care associations and the administrative regulations on Section 44 of the State Budget Code (LHO).
The object of the funding is the tasks to be performed by recognized guardianship associations in accordance with § 15 BtOG. The care associations recognized and operating in Lower Saxony are eligible to apply.
Who should I contact?
State support office
at the Oldenburg Higher Regional Court
Richard-Wagner-Platz 1,
26135 Oldenburg
Responsible authorities
Oberlandesgericht Oldenburg
Care associations must meet the following requirements for funding:
- The area of activity of the care association must be located in Lower Saxony.
- The area of activity of the cross-sectional work of the guardianship association must be coordinated with the local guardianship authority. Several guardianship associations can be funded side by side in one area of activity. A care association may have an area of activity that extends to the jurisdiction of several local care authorities.
- The guardianship association must guarantee staffing levels that are sufficient for the professionally qualified fulfillment of the tasks according to § 15 para. 1 BtOG. This includes a full-time or part-time manager and other suitable full-time or part-time employees and/or volunteers.
The grant is awarded as project funding by way of fixed-amount financing.
The amount of the grant for the performance of cross-sectional tasks is currently up to € 30,000.00 per year.
The maximum amount is granted if the employees of the care association carry out
perform cross-sectional work of at least 13 hours per week. If the cross-sectional work is less than this, the funding is granted on a pro rata basis.
Which documents are required?
The maximum amount is granted if the employees of the care associationperform cross-sectional work of at least 13 hours per week. If the cross-sectional work is less, the funding is granted on a pro rata basis.
The application must contain the following information
- a description of how the cross-sectional work is carried out in accordance with § 15 BtOG,
- the amount of the state grant applied for,
- a financing plan,
- a description of the scope of activity of the care association,
- a declaration of any input tax deduction.
The following attachments are required:
- Current proof of non-profit status
- Statement from the local guardianship authority
- Completed personnel overview
- for support associations: agreement between the participating care associations
Process flow
Once the application documents have been checked, the grant is approved and paid out in monthly installments after receipt of a request for funds by the care association.
The state care office monitors the use of the grants.
The corresponding proof of use must be submitted as an attachment to the annual activity report by June 30 of the year following the grant.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The application for the funding year 2025 must be submitted to the approval authority by 30.04.2025. The
application for the funding year 2026 must be submitted by 30.09.2025. The application must be submitted to the State Support Office at the Oldenburg Higher Regional Court (Oldenburg).
An appeal against the grant notification may be lodged with the competent administrative court in writing or for the record with the clerk of the court within one month of its notification.