Vocational training: entry qualification - confirmation
The introductory qualification (abbreviated EQ) gives young people the opportunity to get to know parts of a training occupation, a company and professional life over a period of six to twelve months. The entry-level qualification is primarily intended for applicants with limited placement prospects who have not yet been placed by 30 September. The company is given the opportunity to test these applicants in operational practice over a longer period of time. The applicant gets an insight into professional life and gets the chance to convince the company of its performance.
On probation, it is possible to take on an apprenticeship (or employment relationship). In individual cases, it is possible to credit the initial qualification to a subsequent vocational training. There is no obligation to take over. The employer receives support from the Employment Agency for the entry qualification.
The following prerequisites must be met for the entry qualification:
- The applicant must be registered with the Employment Agency as seeking a training place and have not found a training place in the last year of training or do not yet have the necessary training qualification to the full extent or be with learning disabilities and socially disadvantaged.
- There will be no funding if the applicant has already completed an EQ in the company (or in another company of the company) or if he was employed there in the last three years before the start of the EQ subject to compulsory insurance.
- Promoting the EQ of an applicant in the company of the spouse or parents is not permitted.
- The funding is granted for the agreed duration of at least six to a maximum of twelve months. The total funding period may not exceed 12 months for the same applicant.
- In the event of premature termination of the contract, the competent body (chamber) and the Employment Agency must be informed.
Who should I contact?
Contact the career counsellors of the Employment Agency or your competent chamber. This can be:
- the Chamber of Crafts for vocational training in occupations covered by the Crafts Code,
- the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for vocational training in non-craft trades,
- the Chamber of Agriculture for vocational training in agricultural and rural home economics occupations,
- the Chamber of Lawyers, Patent Attorneys and Notaries as well as the Notarial Fund for the vocational training of specialists in the field of administration of justice,
- the Chamber of Auditors and the Chamber of Tax Consultants for the vocational training of specialists in the field of auditing and tax consulting,
- the Chamber of Doctors, Dentists, Veterinarians and Pharmacists for the vocational training of specialists in the health professions.
Further responsibilities, for example for bodies under public law as well as for churches and other religious communities, are regulated in the Vocational Training Act (BBiG).
Responsible authorities
Industrie- und Handelskammer Osnabrück-Emsland-Grafschaft Bentheim
Applications / forms
Sample contracts and examples of entry-level qualifications are available from the chambers (especially IHKs) - often also online. The funding application and the guideline are available from the Employment Agency or on the Internet.
Which documents are required?
Young people under the age of 18 must submit a certificate of initial medical examination in accordance with the Youth Employment Protection Act.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The application for funding can be requested from the responsible employment agency. It must be submitted before the start of the contractual training period.
What else should I know?
The entrepreneurs conclude an entry-level qualification contract with the young people. You deploy the young people in your company and impart the subject-specific and social skills. In the absence of compulsory vocational education (varies from country to country), young people can be enabled to attend school. At the end of the introductory qualification, a company certificate is issued. The Chamber awards a certificate that facilitates the transition to later education or employment.