Apply for a postal vote
If you have received a polling card but cannot or do not want to vote in your electoral district on election day, you can apply for postal voting documents. These contain the polling card.
The polling card will indicate where you can apply for postal voting documents.
If you are unable to use the designated polling station due to a disability, you can also apply for a polling card.
If you collect your polling card and postal voting documents in person from the city or municipal administration, you have the opportunity to cast your vote on the spot. The administration will ensure that you can mark your ballot paper unobserved and place it in the ballot paper envelope.
Who should I contact?
Responsible authorities
Samtgemeinde Lengerich - Bürgerbüro
- You are eligible to vote in the relevant election and are entered in the electoral roll.
- If you are applying on behalf of another person: You must submit a written power of attorney.
Which documents are required?
- Provide personal data (name, date of birth, address)
- Written authorization if a third person is to submit the application for you or receive your documents
What are the fees?
There are no costs.
Process flow
You can apply for your polling card as follows:
- You go to the city or municipal administration in person and collect your polling card there,
- You submit a written application - use the form on the back of the election notification,
- You apply for the polling card electronically, if your city or municipality offers such a procedure (online application, e-mail),
- You ask a representative who has your written authorization to collect the documents for you.
It is not possible to apply by telephone.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
You will receive your polling card at least 3 weeks before election day. If you have not received it in time, please contact your city or municipal administration.
As a rule, you must apply for a polling card no later than 3 p. m. two days before election day.
The postal voting documents must be received by the municipality by 6 p.m. on election day at the latest.
If you have applied for a polling card but never received it, you can obtain a new polling card up to 12:00 noon on the day before election day. To do this, contact your city or municipal administration.
What else should I know?
If you are unable to cast your postal vote on your own due to a physical impairment or problems with writing or reading, another person may help you. Your helper must
- be at least 16 years old and
- confirm in lieu of an oath that the ballot paper has been marked in accordance with your declared wishes.
- Objection
- You can find more information on how to lodge an objection in the rejection of your application for a polling card