Calculating and setting the water withdrawal fee
In Germany, a water abstraction charge can be levied for the abstraction and discharge of water from surface waters, as well as the abstraction, extraction, underground conduction and discharge of groundwater. The individual federal states decide whether and to what extent a water abstraction charge is levied.
Who should I contact?
As a rule, the lower water authorities are responsible for levying the water abstraction charge: districts, independent and large independent cities, Hannover region
in certain cases, the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Defence and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) is responsible for levying the water abstraction charge
Water abstraction charges are payable by anyone who withdraws or discharges water from a surface water body or withdraws, extracts, discharges or discharges groundwater.
Which documents are required?
What are the fees?
The amount of the charge is generally based on the medium from which the water was taken (groundwater or surface water), the amount of water and the rate of charge to be applied in each case.
Process flow
Anyone who owes the fee must provide the water authority with the information required to determine the fee by February 15 of the year following the assessment period and provide suitable evidence.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Anyone who owes the fee must provide the water authority with the information required to determine the fee by February 15 of the year following the assessment period and provide suitable evidence.
Processing duration
The processing time depends on the quality and scope of the forms and documents submitted.
Legal basis
In Germany, a water abstraction charge can be levied for the abstraction and discharge of water from surface waters, as well as for the abstraction, extraction, underground conduction and discharge of groundwater. The individual federal states decide whether and to what extent a water abstraction charge is levied