Submit a measurement report on continuous measurements of air pollutants at waste incineration and co-incineration plants
If you operate a waste incineration plant or a combustion plant in which you co-incinerate waste, you must continuously determine, record and evaluate pollutant emissions through continuous measurements.
You must prepare a measurement report on the results of the continuous measurements and send it to the responsible immission control authority.
Who should I contact?
Responsible authorities
Staatliches Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Emden
- You are the operator of a plant for waste incineration or waste co-incineration that requires a permit.
- You have put your system into operation.
Which documents are required?
Full measurement report
What are the fees?
Fee: free of charge
Process flow
- They evaluate the continuous measurements of each calendar year.
- You create a measurement report on the results.
- You send the measurement report to the immission control authority responsible for you in due time.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
- You must submit the measurement report for each calendar year to the responsible immission control authority by 31 March of the following year at the latest.
You must keep the measurement report and the records of the measuring instruments for at least 5 years after the end of the respective reporting period.
What else should I know?
You are committing an administrative offence if you:
- do not carry out continuous measurements,
- fails to submit the measurement report in time,
- do not keep the measurement report and the records of the measuring instruments for at least 5 years.
You can use the following website to search for accredited measuring institutes that are responsible for the measuring instruments you use:
- certify that the installation has been carried out correctly,
- perform the calibration,
- check the functionality.
None. The administrative service is a real act against which no legal remedy is possible.