general education schools Admission to comprehensive school
At the Integrated Comprehensive School (IGS), pupils from the 5th to 13th grades are taught. The IGS can also be run without an upper secondary school (grades 11 to 13). The IGS in Lower Saxony is usually operated as an all-day school
At the end of lower secondary education, the IGS leads to the following qualifications:
- Secondary school leaving certificate after Sjg. 9
- Secondary school leaving certificate I – lower secondary school leaving certificate
- Secondary school leaving certificate I – secondary school leaving certificate
- Extended lower secondary education
The acquisition of the Extended Secondary Certificate I entitles the holder to transition to the introductory phase of the upper secondary school (11th grade). At the end of the qualification phase after 13 years of schooling, the general university entrance qualification is acquired through the Abitur examination.
The upper secondary school is divided into a one-year introductory phase (11th grade) and a two-year qualification phase (12th and 13th grade), ending with the Abitur examination after 13 school years.
Upon successful participation in the Abitur examination, the general university entrance qualification is acquired. This entitles the holder to take up any course of study at a university, college or university of applied sciences, without prejudice to any university's own admission procedures and admission requirements.
The principle of integration, which is characteristic of IGS, is reflected in the fact that all pupils are taught according to a common curriculum and participate together in lessons in the various subjects as well as in school life as a whole. However, the IGS is also a differentiating form of school. External differentiation of subject performance through specialist performance courses is carried out at various levels of demand in mathematics and English from the 7th grade, in German from the 8th grade in the subject and in the natural sciences from the 9th grade at the latest.
In the Cooperative Comprehensive School (KGS), the school types Hauptschule, Realschule and Gymnasium are brought together "under one roof" as interrelated and interconnected school branches. The school can also be divided into school years. Pupils from the 5th to 13th grades are taught in the KGS; however, the school can also be run without grades 11 to 13 (upper secondary school).
The same degrees can be obtained at the KGS as at the IGS (see above). The course of education and the graduation requirements are subject to the respective regulations of the corresponding types of school.
Lessons at the KGS are school-specific and cross-school. According to the decision of the school board, lessons in grades 5 to 8 can be given mainly in cross-school learning groups. The core curricula of the respective type of school apply to subject teaching in the school branch-specific teaching of the KGS, and the core curricula of the IGS apply to subject teaching in cross-school learning groups.
Who should I contact?
If you have any individual questions, please contact the school responsible for you.
Responsible authorities
Fachbereich Personal, Bildung und Kultur
- Haselünne:
- Additional services for children with disabilities in crèches and kindergartens Authorisation
- Admission to secondary schools Advice
- Adult education
- Adult evening classes
- All-day schools
- Carrying out school dental check-ups
- Compulsory education
- Day care
- Enrollment of a child in elementary school
- Entitlement to a place in a day-care centre
- Exemptions on Sundays and public holidays
- Family and children's services
- General schools: Admission - grammar school
- Library
- Markets and festivals
- Municipal children and youth services
- Municipal honours
- Municipal sports facilities
- Municipal sports promotion
- Music school
- Public holidays: approval - of exceptions to the general rest period
- Recreational areas and facilities municipal
- Register at the secondary school
- Register your child at a secondary school
- Register your child at a secondary school
- Safety on the way to school
- School performance: assessment
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- Second-chance school
- Special school
- Training/ Employment in public administration
- Truancy
- general education schools Admission to comprehensive school
- Your child has successfully completed primary education (grades 1 to 4).
The choice of the type of secondary school is also your free decision as a parent or guardian within the framework of the local school offer (if necessary after prior advice from the primary school you have attended so far)
Applications / forms
- The schools provide the necessary registration forms.
Which documents are required?
The following documents are required for registration at a comprehensive school:
- Half-year report of your child from the 4th grade of primary school
- if necessary. further documents on request by the school
What are the fees?
There are no fees for admission to public schools.
Process flow
- You register your child with the school responsible for you.
- Admission to comprehensive schools may be restricted if the number of enrolments exceeds the school's capacity. Then decide if necessary. the lot. However, there is only a restriction on admission if a Hauptschule, a Realschule and a Gymnasium or a Oberschule and a Gymnasium are run in the area of the school authority.
- After the (successful) registration, you inform the primary school which comprehensive school your child will attend in the future.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
- Registration period: at the earliest 10 weeks and at the latest 5 weeks before the start of the summer holidays
- The school authorities may determine a staggering of the registration procedure for the schools in their area of responsibility
What else should I know?
Legal basis
- Decree "Work in grades 5 to 10 of the Integrated Comprehensive School (IGS)
- Decree "The work in grades 5 to 10 of the Cooperative Comprehensive School (KGS)
- Ordinance on the Upper Secondary School (VO-GO)
- Supplementary provisions to the Ordinance on the Upper Secondary School (EB-VO-GO)
- Ordinance on the Qualifications in the Upper Secondary School, the Vocational Grammar School, the Evening Grammar School and the College (AVO-GOBAK)
- Supplementary provisions to the Ordinance on Qualifications in the Upper Secondary School, the Vocational Grammar School, the Evening Grammar School and the College (EB-AVO-GOBAK)
This administrative service does not constitute an administrative act. For this reason, there is no legal remedy.