Music school
Music schools are educational institutions whose main tasks are the imparting of a basic musical education, the development of young talent for amateur and amateur music-making, the search for gifted and gifted children as well as the possible preparation for vocational studies.
Fees are charged for teaching at music schools and for the provision of musical instruments, which are laid down in music school fee statutes.
Information about the music schools in Lower Saxony can be found, for example, on the websites of the State Association of Lower Saxony Music Schools.
In the meantime, many cooperation projects between music schools and general education schools are also being realized. Information on this can be found at the Lower Saxony Education Server.
Who should I contact?
Responsible authorities
Fachbereich Personal, Bildung und Kultur
- Haselünne:
- Additional services for children with disabilities in crèches and kindergartens Authorisation
- Admission to secondary schools Advice
- Adult education
- Adult evening classes
- All-day schools
- Carrying out school dental check-ups
- Compulsory education
- Day care
- Enrollment of a child in elementary school
- Entitlement to a place in a day-care centre
- Exemptions on Sundays and public holidays
- Family and children's services
- General schools: Admission - grammar school
- Library
- Markets and festivals
- Municipal children and youth services
- Municipal honours
- Municipal sports facilities
- Municipal sports promotion
- Music school
- Public holidays: approval - of exceptions to the general rest period
- Recreational areas and facilities municipal
- Register at the secondary school
- Register your child at a secondary school
- Register your child at a secondary school
- Safety on the way to school
- School performance: assessment
- School trips, school trips and comparable trips of day-care centres: reimbursement - of costs according to SGB II
- Second-chance school
- Special school
- Training/ Employment in public administration
- Truancy
- general education schools Admission to comprehensive school