Interference with nature and landscape: authorisation
Interventions in nature and landscape require approval.
Such interventions, which can significantly impair the performance and functioning of the ecosystem or the landscape, are
- changes in shape,
- use of land or
- Changes in the groundwater level associated with the living soil layer.
The following shall not be regarded as an interference:
- agricultural, forestry and fisheries land use, provided that the objectives and principles of nature conservation and landscape management are taken into account;
- the resumption of agricultural, forestry and fisheries land use that has been temporarily restricted or interrupted as a result of contractual agreements with the nature conservation authority or participation in public management restriction programmes, provided that the resumption of use takes place within 10 years of the expiry of the contractual agreement or management restriction programme.
Applications must always be submitted informally. In addition to the plan and description, all the information required for the assessment of the project is required.
A so-called "expert contribution nature conservation" is necessary. This should contain:
- the project description, and
- the identification of the likely effects on nature and landscape,
- the presentation of the possibilities for avoiding or minimizing the intervention as well as compensatory and / or replacement measures.
Early consultation with the competent body is recommended.
Fees may apply. Please contact the relevant authority.
There are no deadlines to be observed.
In special cases, a species protection assessment must be carried out in accordance with § 39 of the Law on Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (BNatSchG), which is also subject to a fee.
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Responsibility lies with the body responsible for the respective approval of the project.