Keeping of farm animals - display
You must notify the competent authority of the keeping of farm animals. This concerns the following animal species:
- Cattle
- Pigs
- Sheep
- Goats
- Solidungulate
- Chickens
- Ducks
- Geese
- Pheasants
- Guinea fowl
- Partridges
- Doves
- Turkeys
- Quails
- Ratites
- Game enclosures
- Camelides
- Other cloven-hoofed animals
- Fish in aquaculture establishments
- Bees
After notification, your company will receive a registration number.
Your ad must include the following:
- Name
- Address
- Number of animals expected to be kept on an annual average (for bees: number of bee colonies)
- Type of use of animals
- Location (in the case of migratory sheep herds, the place of business is considered as the location)
Fees apply. Please contact the relevant authority.
The notification must be made before the start of animal husbandry.
Changes to the above notification shall be communicated to the competent body without delay.
In the keeping of
- Cattle
- Pigs
- Sheep and goats
- Poultry other than pigeons
there is a compulsory membership in the Niedersächsische Tierseuchenkasse.
Owners of horses, pigs, sheep, goats and poultry must therefore inform the Niedersächsische Tierseuchenkasse of their name, address and the type and number of animals kept with them on the reference date within two weeks of the reference date 03.01.2010. This notification shall be made annually. The Niedersächsische Tierseuchenkasse retrieves data on cattle holdings via the central cattle database.
The keeping of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry (except pigeons) and bees must be reported to the Niedersächsische Tierseuchenkasse within two weeks of the establishment of the stock.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
The responsibility lies with the district and the district-free city.