Representation permit for a prostitution business Permit
Anyone who wants to operate a prostitution business by a person appointed as a representative requires a representation permit.
The representative permit is granted to the operator for the person appointed as a representative. It may be temporary.
Permission must be applied for at the competent authority.
The responsibility lies with the districts and independent cities in whose district the activity is to be carried out.
This procedure can also be carried out through a "Point of Single Contact". The "Point of Single Contact" is a special service offered by municipalities and the state for service providers.
Find your Point of Single Contact in the Service Provider Portal Lower Saxony
- Minimum age of 18 years for the person designated as a substitute
- Reliability for the operation of a prostitution business
There may be documents needed. Please contact the competent authority.
Depending on the time spent, at least 200,00 Euro.
If the prostitution business is no longer carried on by the person appointed as a representative, the operator must immediately notify the competent authority.
Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Equality
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