Providing a prostitution vehicle permit
Prostitution vehicles are motor vehicles, vehicle trailers and other mobile installations provided for the provision of sexual services.
Anyone who wants to set up or operate a prostitution vehicle requires the permission of the competent authority.
Permission must be applied for at the competent authority.
The responsibility lies with the districts and independent cities in whose district the activity is to be carried out.
This procedure can also be carried out through a "Point of Single Contact". The "Point of Single Contact" is a special service offered by municipalities and the state for service providers.
Find your Point of Single Contact in the Service Provider Portal Lower Saxony
- Operating concept
- Other documents and information required to prove that the permit requirements are met
- in the case of a natural person:
- Name
- date of birth and
- Address of the person for whom the permit is requested
- in the case of a legal person or association of persons
- name of the company,
- Address
- number of the register sheet in the commercial register and
- Registered office of the company.
Depending on the time spent, at least 300,00 Euro.
The permit shall be limited to a maximum of three years and may be renewed upon request.
Permission to provide a prostitution vehicle is granted for a specific operating concept and for a specific vehicle with a specific equipment.
Lower Saxony Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Equality
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