First name change for an important reason
If you want to change your first name, there must be an important reason that justifies the name change. Important reasons exist if the private interests of you as the bearer of the name in the name change outweigh
Important reasons are, for example:
Furthermore, your name must be subject to German law. This includes not only German nationals, but also those entitled to asylum, foreign refugees and stateless persons. A name change is not an option if you do not like your name, for example in the case of names of foreign language origin. A name change is also not justified if you want to make it more difficult for creditors to identify you. For children over 1 year old and younger than 16 years old, you can only change the first name for serious reasons in the best interests of the child. |
Who should I contact?
Name change authority of the place of residence: Name change authorities are the districts, the independent cities, the large independent cities and the independent municipalities.
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Sicherheit und Ordnung
- Dörpen:
- Emsbüren:
- Emsland:
- Freren:
- Geeste:
- Haren (Ems):
- Haselünne:
- Herzlake:
- Lathen:
- Lengerich:
- Meppen:
- Nordhümmling:
- Papenburg:
- Rhede (Ems):
- Salzbergen:
- Spelle:
- Sögel:
- Twist:
- Werlte:
- You are a German citizen.
- You are entitled to asylum, a foreign refugee, a stateless person, a homeless foreigner or a quota refugee.
- There is an important or serious reason that justifies the name change.
Applications / forms
Application for a change of name (available for download on their website or on request, depending on the competent authority)
Online procedure possible: no
Written form required: yes
Personal appearance required: no
Which documents are required?
- Certificate of registration and valid official photo ID (identity card, passport)
- Excerpt from the birth register (available at the registry office of the place of birth)
- in the case of stateless persons: travel document or entry of the Foreigners' Registration Office in the passport or passport substitute
- in the case of homeless foreigners or persons entitled to asylum: entry of the Foreigners' Registration Office in the passport or passport substitute
- in the case of foreign refugees: entry of the Foreigners' Registration Office in the passport or passport substitute
For further documents, please inquire in advance at the name change authority responsible for you.
What are the fees?
According to the time spent, but at least 30 and a maximum of 500 euros.
If the application for a change of name is rejected, the fee may be reduced up to a quarter of the full amount.
Note: If the change is successful, you will incur follow-up costs, as you will have to reapply for documents, such as your ID card or passport.
Process flow
You must request the change of your first name in writing.
Ask your competent authority for the application form or download it and fill it out completely. In the case of minors, the application is made by the legal representative.
Explain in detail the reasons for your request. The authority must weigh up and decide taking into account all the circumstances of the individual case. The longer the name has been used, the greater the public interest in retaining the name.
Your competent authority will charge an advance on fees and then carry out the necessary investigations. In the case of people over 14 years of age, it involves various agencies, such as the police. It obtains information from the list of debtors at the local court and, if necessary, from other authorities.
If the requirements are met, you will receive a certificate of name change. Upon handing them over, the name change becomes effective. Otherwise, you will receive a rejection notice.
The name change authority will notify other bodies of your name change. These include:
- the Medebehörde,
- the registry office, which keeps the register of births,
- the registry office, which keeps the marriage register or the civil partnership register.
Once the name change has taken effect, you will need to have various documents (ID card, passport, vehicle registration) changed. You must apply for these changes yourself.
Note: If another person is involved, such as the other parent in changing a child's name after the parents divorced, you will initially only receive a notice of the name change. It states that you must wait until the name change can no longer be challenged by legal means. In these cases, the name change will take effect under the following conditions:
- The other person involved accepts the name change or
- the appeal authority or the courts confirm the name change.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Processing duration
About 6 months
What else should I know?