Authorisation to represent commercial arms manufacture and/or trafficking: issue
Anyone wishing to carry out the commercial manufacture or trade in weapons by a deputy requires a proxy licence.
It is granted to the licence holder for a specific deputy and can be limited in time. This also applies to the appointment of a person with the management of a branch or a dependent branch.
The permit may be restricted to certain types of firearms and ammunition.
Which documents are required?
- If applicable, proof of expertise
- Extract from the criminal record
- Certificate issued by the competent judicial or administrative authority of the country of origin or the country from which the foreign national comes
- Confirmation from the home authority
- Proof of commercial establishment, premises/business premises
- If applicable, copy of already issued weapons trade permit
- Curriculum vitae
- If applicable, obtaining information from the Foreigners' Registration Office
- Information on entries pursuant to § 26 paragraph 2 of the Insolvency Code (InsO) and § 882b of the Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) in the debtor register of the competent local court
- Completion of the 18th year of life of the applicant and the deputy
- Reliability of both the applicant and the deputy
- The required reliability requires, above all, that the applicant and the deputy have no criminal record.
- Personal suitability of the applicant and the deputy
- For example, those persons do not possess the required personal suitability for whom facts justify the assumption that they are legally incapacitated, dependent on alcohol or mentally ill.
- Competence of the deputy in commercial arms trade
- If necessary, the deputy can obtain the necessary proof of specialist knowledge of the most important weapons and firearms regulations, the type, construction and handling of common firearms and ammunition by means of an examination at the Hanover Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
- Specialist knowledge is deemed to exist if the deputy fulfils the requirements for the entry of a gunsmith's business in the register of craftsmen.
- Proof of a need
- The need (a reasonable reason) may arise from a particularly recognised personal or economic interest, for example as a weapons manufacturer or dealer.
- Commercial or economic enterprise
- A permit is only granted if the manufacture or trade of weapons is carried out commercially or independently within the framework of an economic enterprise.
What are the fees?
There are fees according to Section I Number 1 or 2 of the Annex Schedule of Fees of the Schedule of Fees of the Costs Ordinance to the Weapons Act (WaffKostV). Please contact the competent authority.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The licence expires if the licence holder has not commenced the activity within one year of the licence being granted or has not carried it out for one year. The time limits may be extended for special reasons.
The licence holder must notify the competent authority within two weeks of the commencement and cessation of operations as well as the opening and closure of a branch or a dependent branch.
Who should I contact?
The responsibility lies with the district, the district-free city, the large independent city and the independent municipality.
This procedure can also be carried out through a "Point of Single Contact". The "Point of Single Contact" is a special service offered by municipalities and the state for service providers.
Responsible authorities
Einheitlicher Ansprechpartner des Landes Niedersachsen