Please enter a search term.
IMPORTANT: Select a location.To obtain application forms, location-specific information and contacts, select a town or zip code.

For an area outside of Lower Saxony and foreign languages, some menu items and functions are not available. Please go to the service page of the respective country.

Please specify an area.

Your selected location: Emsland

Which place to enter?

The location is used to determine the responsible office for the selected administrative service. In most cases you can enter your place of residence to find the competent authority. However, there are also cases in which a different location must be specified. Here are some examples:

Birth certificateYou want to get married and need a birth certificate. You live in Hanover, but you were born in Celle. You must therefore state your place of birth, i.e. Celle.

Business registrationYou would like to register a business in Braunschweig. Your place of residence is Hanover. You must therefore state the location of your future business, i.e. Braunschweig.

Apply for a building permitYou would like to build a house in Wunstorf and therefore apply for a building permit. Her place of residence is currently Hanover. You must indicate the place where the house is to be built. In this case it is Wunstorf.

Apply for settlement permit for minor foreign children

If you, as a minor foreign child, have a residence permit

  • for family reasons (for example, to join or join a family member or due to birth in Germany) or
  • for humanitarian reasons (e.g. on the basis of entitlement to asylum or recognition as a refugee under the Geneva Refugee Convention)

you may, under certain conditions, be granted an unlimited right of residence in the form of a settlement permit.

Who should I contact?

The immigration authority responsible for the place of residence of the applicant is responsible for processing the application.


  • You must have reached the age of 16.
  • You must have been in possession of a valid residence permit for at least five years without interruption, which allows you to
    • for family reasons (for example, to join a family member or because of birth in Germany) or
    • for humanitarian reasons (e.g. on the basis of entitlement to asylum or recognition as a refugee in accordance with the Geneva Refugee Convention).
      has been granted.
  • You should be able to demonstrate to the Aliens' Registration Office that you have resided in the Federal territory during the five years (for example, by providing proof of attendance at an educational institution or employment).
  • There is no interest in your expulsion from the Federal territory.
  • You must not have been sentenced to a juvenile penalty of at least six months or a prison sentence of at least three months or a fine of at least 90 daily rates for an intentional criminal offense in the last three years. The suspension of the imposition of a juvenile sentence on you may also prevent the issuance of a settlement permit.
  • If you have reached the age of 18, moreover:
    • You were granted a residence permit while still a minor (the granting of a settlement permit is also possible if you do not reach the five-year time limit until after you have reached the age of majority).
    • You have knowledge of the German language at level B 1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (this is assumed if you have attended a German-language school for more than four years and have achieved at least an "Ausreichend" in German).
    • Your livelihood is secured (for example, through your own income or the income of your parents) or you are in a training relationship that leads to a recognized school or vocational training qualification or a university degree (school attendance, in-company training or study).

Please note: If you suffer from an illness or disability that prevents you from acquiring the language skills or earning your own living, you do not have to meet these requirements.

Applications / forms

Forms available: No

Written form required: No

Informal application possible: Yes

Personal appearance required: Yes

Which documents are required?

  • Recognized and valid identity document (for example passport or passport substitute)
  • Current biometric photo in passport format (45 x 35 mm)
  • Proof of at least five years of residence in Germany (e.g. school, training or study certificates, proof of passed intermediate examinations or credit points, employment contract)
  • In the case of minors whose custodial parent cannot file the application jointly on behalf of their minor child: Written power of attorney from the absent parent.
  • Adult applicants also need:
    • Proof of sufficient language skills at level B 1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (for example, language certificate, German school, training certificates),
    • Proof of subsistence and health insurance (e.g. proof of income, health insurance certificate) or proof of school or vocational training (school certificate, training contract or certificate from the training center, matriculation certificate).

Please note: If there is an illness or disability that prevents the acquisition of language skills or independent means of subsistence, this must be proven in an appropriate form (for example, specialist medical opinion, proof of institutional care).

The documents and information must always be presented in German. In individual cases, the Aliens Department may require less or further evidence.

What are the fees?

Cost amount (fixed):

  • 55,00 for underage applicants
  • 113,00 for adult applicants


Additional fees may apply for the issuance of the settlement permit in the form of the electronic residence permit (eAT card), which can also be used as electronic proof of identity.

Lower fees may apply for Turkish nationals.

Process flow

  • The permanent residence permit must be applied for before the validity of your current residence permit expires.
  • If you have not yet reached the age of 18, you are not allowed to apply yourself, but you will need a representative (as a rule, the application is made by the parents with custody).
  • Find out whether the responsible Foreigners' Registration Office allows you to apply online or whether a special application form is available.
  • If the application is only possible in person, make an appointment at the Foreigners' Registration Office. In the case of an online application, the Foreigners' Registration Office will contact you after receipt of the application to make an appointment.
  • If you have not yet reached the age of 18, you must be accompanied by at least one legal representative (usually a parent) at the personal interview. In the case of joint custody, the parents must generally appear together at the authority and jointly submit the application on your behalf. If one parent is unable to appear in person, the other parent with custody must be issued with a written power of attorney for the application.
  • During the appointment, your identity and documents will be checked (please bring all documents, preferably in the original, to the appointment).
  • If your application is granted, your fingerprints will be taken for the purpose of obtaining a permanent residence permit in the form of a new electronic residence permit (eAT card for short).
  • The Foreigners' Registration Office commissions the production of the eAT card from the Federal Printing Office. After completion, you will receive information - if necessary from your representative - and can pick up the eAT card from the responsible office. The eAT card must always be picked up in person.
  • If your application is rejected, you will receive a rejection notice - if necessary via your representative.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Duration (for span): 6 to 8 weeks

Remark (for further information on the deadline):

At least 6 to 8 weeks before the expiration of the current residence permit, the application should be received by the Foreigners' Registration Office.

Remark (for further information on the deadline):

The settlement permit is issued for an unlimited period of time. Only the electronic residence permit (eAT card) is issued for a limited period of time and must be renewed at the end of its validity.

You can appeal against the rejection within one month after notification - if necessary through the representative.

Processing duration

Duration (with span): approx. 6 to 8 weeks

Note for further information on processing time:

The processing time may vary depending on the workload of the Foreigners' Registration Office.

It takes about 4 to 6 weeks for the Bundesdruckerei to produce the electronic residence permit.

What else should I know?

  • Children who have not yet reached the age of 18 may not submit the application themselves, but must be represented by a person with legal capacity (for example, by a parent with custody).
  • When issuing a settlement permit, the foreigners authority may take into account circumstances such as the residence status of the parents or custodial parent.
  • The procedure is usually conducted in German.
  • Please make sure that you provide correct and complete information to the best of your knowledge. This is the only way the Foreigners' Registration Office can process your request without major delays.
  • Incorrect or incomplete information can slow down the procedure and be disadvantageous for you. In a serious case, incorrect or incomplete information that is not completed or corrected in time vis-à-vis the Aliens' Registration Office may result in the revocation of residence rights already granted, a fine, a prison sentence of up to three years or expulsion from the Federal territory.


  • Appeal against the decision of the Foreigners' Registration Office
  • Bringing an action before the court specified in the notice of objection if the objection is not complied with
  • An appeal against a negative decision of the Foreigners' Registration Office can be brought before the competent administrative court.
  • A preliminary procedure (opposition) does not take place in Lower Saxony.
  • Detailed information can be found in the rejection notice.

Source: Serviceportal Niedersachsen (Portalverbund des Bundes und der Länder)