Excerpt from the standard land value map
Standard land values serve to ensure property market transparency. They represent zone-by-zone average location values with value-influencing characteristics that are intended to apply to the majority of properties located in the zone. It is always assumed that the property is undeveloped, regardless of a real development. In the information, the standard land value is given in euros per square meter as well as with its value-determining characteristics. In addition to property market transparency, the standard land values also serve tax purposes. The standard land values are determined on the basis of actual purchase cases. According to the Building Code, notarizing bodies are obliged to send copies of the purchase contracts to the offices of the appraisal committees for land values. The expert committees evaluate the contracts for undeveloped land and derive standard land values from them. If there are no or too few purchase contracts for an area, other variables can also be used for determination, e.g. index series or rents. The standard land values are determined and decided by the expert committees. The expert committees are responsible for specific regions in Lower Saxony defined by the state; they are made up of chairmen and honorary members. The presiding members are members of the surveying and cadastral administration. Volunteer members are experts from the broad field of the real estate industry, e.g. from the fields of architecture, civil engineering, agriculture, finance or brokerage. An expert committee is always autonomous and independent. To support the completion of tasks, each expert committee has an office, which is also located at the surveying and cadastral administration. |
Who should I contact?
. Secretariat of the Upper Expert Committee |
Regional Directorate Oldenburg-Cloppenburg |
Traffic jam 3 |
26122 Oldenburg |
E-mail: oga@lgln.niedersachsen.de |
For individual inquiries about specific standard land values, you will find the local expert committee responsible for you via the website of the expert committees in Lower Saxony. For general technical questions, please use the address under "Contact point" |
Responsible authorities
Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landesvermessung Niedersachsen (LGLN) - Regionaldirektion Osnabrück-Meppen - Geschäftsstelle des Gutachterausschusses für Grundstückswerte Osnabrück-Meppen
Applications / forms
Forms available: No
Online procedure: Yes
Written form required: No
Personal appearance required: No
Which documents are required?
What are the fees?
Process flow
Standard land values are available free of charge on the Internet in Lower Saxony:
Lower Saxony real estate market
There are three ways to navigate to the desired standard land value:
- Address search
- Search by parcel number
- Graphical search by zooming and moving the map section.
The selected standard land value is displayed with its value-influencing characteristics.
You can also request an official printout in PDF format via a print button and print it out on your device.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Processing duration
The standard land values can be accessed on the Internet at any time.