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IMPORTANT: Select a location.To obtain application forms, location-specific information and contacts, select a town or zip code.

For an area outside of Lower Saxony and foreign languages, some menu items and functions are not available. Please go to the service page of the respective country.

Please specify an area.

Your selected location: Emsland

Which place to enter?

The location is used to determine the responsible office for the selected administrative service. In most cases you can enter your place of residence to find the competent authority. However, there are also cases in which a different location must be specified. Here are some examples:

Birth certificateYou want to get married and need a birth certificate. You live in Hanover, but you were born in Celle. You must therefore state your place of birth, i.e. Celle.

Business registrationYou would like to register a business in Braunschweig. Your place of residence is Hanover. You must therefore state the location of your future business, i.e. Braunschweig.

Apply for a building permitYou would like to build a house in Wunstorf and therefore apply for a building permit. Her place of residence is currently Hanover. You must indicate the place where the house is to be built. In this case it is Wunstorf.

apply for a certificate of competence in the regular stunning or killing of vertebrates carried out professionally or commercially

If you regularly look after, sedate, stunn, slaughter or kill animals professionally or commercially, you must have the necessary knowledge and skills (expertise).

You can apply for the required certificate of competence from the competent authority. To do this, you must prove your expertise as part of a successful examination or a qualification recognized as equivalent.

The certificate of competence lists the activities to which it applies and to which species of animals and to which type of equipment.

The certificate of competence is valid indefinitely. However, it can be withdrawn if you have violated the requirements of the regulation and facts indicate that this will continue to be the case in the future.

Which documents are required?

No documents are required.


  • You have successfully passed the theoretical and practical examination at the competent authority in relation to the categories of animals specified in the application as well as stunning and killing procedures.
  • They have an equivalent qualification.
  • In addition, you must not have committed any violations of animal welfare law in the last three years.

What are the fees?

Fees are charged in accordance with the Annex to §1 of the Schedule of Fees for Administration in the Field of Consumer Protection and Veterinary Affairs (GOVV) in accordance with Section V1.4.1.

Process flow

  • Download and print the application form. After that, fill out the form completely and add the necessary supporting documents. Submit the application documents to your competent authority.
  • The competent authority will examine your application and issue a certificate of competence for the categories of animals as well as stunning and killing procedures for which you have been able to prove your competence.
  • Finally, you will receive your certificate of competence or, if applicable, information about the rejection of your application by post.
  • If there are any changes to your information, please notify your competent authority of these changes.

Processing time

Processing Time: 1 Month
§ 3 paragraph 1 no. 6 Lower Saxony Ordinance on Liquidation administrative procedures for the execution of federal law on a single body and on processing deadlines (NeSVO)

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

There are no deadlines to be observed.

Who should I contact?

The responsibility lies with the district, the independent city, the Hanover region and the Zweckverband Veterinäramt Jade-Weser.

This procedure can also be handled by a "Point of Single Contact". The "Point of Single Contact" is a special service offered by the municipalities and the state for service providers.

Responsible authorities

Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Veterinärwesen und Verbraucherschutz
Address: Ordeniederung 1 , 49716 Meppen
Postal address: Post Office Box 15 62 , 49705 Meppen
Telephone: 05931 44-0
Fax: 05931 44-3621
Transport Connection:
Station Haltestelle Kreishaus
Bus: 993
Building Access
elevator available, wheelchair-accessible
Postal address: Post Office Box 15 62, 49705 Meppen
Address: Ordeniederung 1, 49716 Meppen
Transport Connection:
Station Haltestelle Kreishaus
Bus: 993
Building Access
elevator available, wheelchair-accessible
Address: Friedrichswall 1, 30159 Hannover
Postal address: Post Office Box 1 01, 30001 Hannover
Telephone: 0511 120-5521

Source: Serviceportal Niedersachsen (Portalverbund des Bundes und der Länder)