Appoint the person responsible for compliance with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act
If, as a slaughterhouse, you slaughter at least 50 livestock units per week or provide workers to feed, stun or bleed animals for slaughter, you must appoint a responsible officer to the competent authority to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act and the ordinances issued on the basis of this Act.
This provision applies, for example, to subcontractors who have been entrusted by the slaughterhouse operator with the above-mentioned activities. Despite the designation of an authorised controller by a subcontractor, the slaughterhouse operator must also appoint an animal welfare officer.
You should pay attention to the following conversion of livestock units:
- Adult bovine animals and equidae: 1 LU
- Other bovine animals: 0.5 LU
- Pigs weighing more than 100 kg: 0,2 LU
- Other pigs: 0,15 LU
- Sheep and pulling: 0.1 LU
- Sheep/goat lambs and piglets weighing less than 15 kg: 0,05 LU
Who should I contact?
The responsibility lies with the veterinary offices of the districts and independent cities, the Hanover region and the Zweckverband Veterinäramt JadeWeser.
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Veterinärwesen und Verbraucherschutz
Applications / forms
Contact your local veterinary office.
Which documents are required?
Please inquire at your local veterinary office whether there are registration forms or similar.
What are the fees?
Fee: free of charge
Process flow
The designation of an authorised person shall be made in your internal documents and vis-à-vis the competent veterinary authority.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The appointment must be made before the start of the activity.
Processing duration
What else should I know?
For more information, please contact your local veterinary office.