Operation Prostitution Business Permit
A prostitution business is carried on by any person who offers services in connection with the provision of sexual services by at least one other person on a professional basis or provides premises for this purpose by:
- operates a place of prostitution,
- provides a prostitution vehicle,
- organises or conducts a prostitution event, or
- operates a prostitution brokerage.
Anyone wishing to operate a prostitution business requires the permission of the competent authority.
Who should I contact?
The responsibility lies with the districts and independent cities in whose district the activity is to be carried out.
This procedure can also be carried out through a "Point of Single Contact". The "Point of Single Contact" is a special service offered by municipalities and the state for service providers.
Find your Point of Single Contact in the Service Provider Portal Lower Saxony
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Sicherheit und Ordnung
- Emsland:
- Operation Prostitution Business Permit
- Organization or execution of prostitution events Permit
- Organization or implementation of prostitution events Advertisement
- Permission to operate a prostitution establishment
- Providing a prostitution vehicle permit
- Representation permit for a prostitution business Permit
- Show installation of a prostitution vehicle
Which documents are required?
- Operating concept
- Other documents and information required to prove that the permit requirements are met
- in the case of a natural person:
- Name
- date of birth and
- Address of the person for whom the permit is requested
- in the case of a legal person or association of persons
- name of the company,
- Address
- number of the register sheet in the commercial register and
- Registered office of the company.
What are the fees?
Depending on the time spent, at least 300,00 Euro.
Process flow
Permission must be applied for at the competent authority.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Deadlines may have to be observed. Please contact the competent authority.