Health advice for prostitutes
Persons who wish to work as a prostitute or as a prostitute must seek health advice before registering the activity for the first time. Health advice shall be provided to the authority responsible for carrying out the health advice at the place of registration.
The health advice is adapted to the personal life situation of the counselled person and should include in particular questions of disease prevention, conception control, pregnancy and the risks of alcohol and drug use.
Who should I contact?
The responsibility lies with the district and the district-free city.
Responsible authorities
Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Gesundheit
- Age of majority of the person advised
Which documents are required?
- Identity card or passport
What are the fees?
There are no fees.
Process flow
The competent authority shall issue the person receiving advice with a certificate attesting to the health advice provided. The certificate must indicate:
- the first and last name of the person advised,
- the date of birth of the person being advised,
- the issuing body, and
- the date of the health consultation.
The certificate may also be issued to the alias used in a valid alias certificate at the request of the person advised.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
After registering the activity, prostitutes have the health advice
- at least every twelve months at the age of 21 and over
- under the age of 21 have every six months
to be perceived.
What else should I know?
The person advised shall be informed of the confidentiality of the advice and shall be given the opportunity to disclose any predicament or distress that may exist. With the consent of the authority and the person obliged to register, third parties may only be called in for the purpose of language mediation.
The prostitute must carry the certificate of health advice when carrying out the activity.