Apply for recognition as a specialist pharmacist with a professional qualification from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland
The term specialist pharmacist is regulated in Germany. This means that you need a permit if you want to use the title "specialist pharmacist" for your specialisation in the selected federal state.
With further training as a specialist pharmacist, you have acquired a pharmaceutical specialisation in addition to your qualification as a pharmacist abroad. To work as a pharmacist in Germany, you first need a license to practice medicine or a professional license. In order to be able to work as a specialist pharmacist in Germany, you must also apply for recognition of your further training as a specialist pharmacist. This allows you to use the title "specialist pharmacist" in your respective specialisation.
Notes: You may only use the name for your specialization if there is a corresponding continuing education designation in Germany.
The licence will be granted by the competent State Chamber of Pharmacists after checking your documents and requirements.
Who should I contact?
Chamber of Pharmacists of Lower Saxony, Continuing Education Department
- Contact: There are many counselling services that you can find on the Recognition in Germany portal. Seek personal advice from an IQ counselling centre on this procedure and your qualifications. The advisors will also help you with your documents before submitting your application. The consultation is free of charge. You can also call the hotline of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The hotline will answer any questions you may have about working and living in Germany.
- If you are abroad: You can also use the hotline to reach the Central Service Centre for Professional Recognition (ZSBA). This offers you in-depth advice and support in the recognition process and carries out a location consultation.
Responsible authorities
Apothekerkammer Niedersachsen
- You must already have a state licence to practise as a pharmacist valid in Germany.
- You must prove the equivalence of your professional qualification as a specialist pharmacist.
Applications / forms
Forms available: No
Written form required: Yes
Informal application possible: Yes
Personal appearance required: No
Online services: planned
Which documents are required?
- Curriculum vitae with details of completed further education and professional experience
- Proof of identity (ID card or passport)
- Proof of German license to practice medicine
- Certificates of further education and professional experience
- additional evidence to check equivalence
- written declaration as to whether you have already submitted an application for recognition to another Chamber of Pharmacists.
If your documents are not in German, you must submit German translations of your documents. Translations must be carried out by translators who are publicly appointed or authorised.
What are the fees?
Fee: 0,00 - 2000,00 EURPayment in advance: noMethod of payment: Bank transfer If necessary, additionally: SEPA direct debit
Process flow
Before you apply, you must already have a licence to practise as a pharmacist in Germany.
You can apply for recognition of your continuing education title as a specialist pharmacist at the responsible State Chamber of Pharmacists:
- First, submit your application and the required documents to the Chamber of Pharmacists of the state in which you want to work.
- If necessary, you will be asked to submit missing documents.
- The competent authority will check whether your training is equivalent. The training is equivalent if there are no significant differences between your foreign training and the German continuing education.
- You will receive a notification.
If significant differences are identified, you will not be certified as having the equivalence of your qualification as a specialist pharmacist:
- You will receive a justification.
- If necessary, conditions will be imposed. This can be attending seminars, conducting technical discussions with an authorised specialist pharmacist or providing proof of certain practical activities
- You can take an exam to prove the lack of knowledge.
- If you pass the exam successfully, you will receive recognition. You may then use the title "specialist pharmacist" for your specialisation.
You can take legal action against the decision of the competent authority within a certain period of time (e.g. lodge an appeal). The decision will then be reviewed. Details on this can be found in the information on legal remedies at the end of your decision. It is best to talk to the competent authority first before taking legal action against the decision.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There are no deadlines.
Processing duration
Processing Time: 3 - 4 Months
What else should I know?
Applications must be submitted to the continuing education department of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Pharmacists.
- Contradiction
- Further information on how to file an objection can be found in the notification of your application.
- Appeal before the Administrative Court