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IMPORTANT: Select a location.To obtain application forms, location-specific information and contacts, select a town or zip code.

For an area outside of Lower Saxony and foreign languages, some menu items and functions are not available. Please go to the service page of the respective country.

Please specify an area.

Your selected location: Emsland

Which place to enter?

The location is used to determine the responsible office for the selected administrative service. In most cases you can enter your place of residence to find the competent authority. However, there are also cases in which a different location must be specified. Here are some examples:

Birth certificateYou want to get married and need a birth certificate. You live in Hanover, but you were born in Celle. You must therefore state your place of birth, i.e. Celle.

Business registrationYou would like to register a business in Braunschweig. Your place of residence is Hanover. You must therefore state the location of your future business, i.e. Braunschweig.

Apply for a building permitYou would like to build a house in Wunstorf and therefore apply for a building permit. Her place of residence is currently Hanover. You must indicate the place where the house is to be built. In this case it is Wunstorf.

Driving licence: Extension - driving licence of categories C and D

Driving licences for categories C, CE, CE79, C1, C1E (trucks) and D, DE, D1, D1E (buses) are issued for a limited period of time and can be extended.

The driving licence for these categories shall be issued or extended for the following periods at the latest:

  • Classes C1, C1E:
    • valid until the age of 50
    • after the applicant has reached the age of 45: for five years
  • Classes C, CE, CE79, D, D1, DE and D1E: for five years

Hint: With the extension, a new driver's license will be issued.

Which documents are required?

  • Identity card or passport with current registration confirmation
  • previous driver's license
  • a current photograph (biometric) that complies with the provisions of the Passport Ordinance of 19 October 2007 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2007, 2386)
  • ophthalmological report on the examination of eyesight or certificate from an ophthalmologist in accordance with § 12 para. 6 in conjunction with Annex 6 of the Driving Licence Ordinance (FeV). You can have this report prepared by your ophthalmologist or by a company and occupational physician. At the time of application, the certificate must not be older than two years.
  • medical certificate of physical and mental fitness on an official form in accordance with § 11 para. 9 in conjunction with Annex 5 FeV. There is an official form for this certificate, which doctors usually have. You can have the certificate issued by any doctor. At the time of application, the certificate must not be older than one year.
  • for the extension of classes D, DE, D1 and D1E (BUS)
    • from the age of 50:
      • in addition, a performance psychology report in accordance with § 11 (9) in conjunction with Annex 5 No. 2 FeV.
        • The performance psychology examination includes, for example, a review of resilience, responsiveness, orientation performance and the ability to concentrate. Proof of compliance with these special requirements is provided by a company or occupational medical report or by an expert opinion from an officially recognised assessment centre for fitness to drive. At the time of application, the certificate must not be older than one year.
    • For the driving licence category D, a certificate of good conduct of document type "0" (official certificate of good conduct) must be applied for at the municipality of residence. This is sent directly to the driving licence authority by the Federal Office of Justice. A private certificate of good conduct is not sufficient.

What are the fees?

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

The application should be submitted no later than eight weeks before the expiry of the validity of the previous driving licence.

Applications / forms

The application must be submitted in person.

  • Merkblatt zum Erhalt des Führerscheins


Who should I contact?

Responsibility lies with the district and the independent city in which the main residence is located.

Responsible authorities

Landkreis Emsland - Fachbereich Straßenverkehr
Address: Ordeniederung 1 , 49716 Meppen
Postal address: Post Office Box 15 62 , 49705 Meppen
Telephone: 05931 44-0
Fax: 05931 44-3621
Transport Connection:
Station Haltestelle Kreishaus
Bus: 993
Building Access
elevator available, wheelchair-accessible


Jan-Marco Diers
Telephone: 05931 44-4012
K II, 12
responsible for:
Nico Gudewill
Telephone: 05931 44-5010
K II, 10
responsible for:
Tobias Schütte
Telephone: 05931 44-4011
K II, 11
responsible for:
Lara Wilmes
Telephone: 05931 44-5017
K II, 10
responsible for:

Source: Serviceportal Niedersachsen (Portalverbund des Bundes und der Länder)